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Latest Publications

Ziegler, M.; Robinson, M.; Aceituno, F. J.; Morcote-Ríos, G.; Becerra-Valdivia, L.; Carleton, W. C.; Iriarte, J.; Roberts, P.: Human dietary diversity in the Colombian Andes at the terminal Pleistocene-late Holocene sites Tequendama and Aguazuque. iScience, 111624 (2025)
Heddell-Stevens, P.; Barakat, S.; Pastoors, A.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Le Roux, P.; Roberts, P.: Spatial palaeoecology of large-herbivore hominin prey-species at Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany: multi-isotope analysis of sequentially-sampled tooth enamel from Rangifer tarandus and Equus sp. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1458040 (2024)
Killingsworth, S. R.; Moran, S. M.; MacFadden, B. J.; Perez, V. J.; Pirlo, J.; Ziegler, M.: Marine strontium isotopes preserved in fossil shark teeth calibrate Neogene land mammal evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 661, 112698 (2025)
Gebele, N.; Croy, I.; Bräuer, J.: Odor-based recognition of canine stress: investigating human olfactory perception. Journal of sensory studies 39 (6), e70002, pp. 1 - 8 (2024)
Klingan, K.; Hoffmann-Wallbeck, N.; Schäfer, G. (Eds.): Geologie der Gegenwart. Spector Books, Leipzig (2025), 90 Seiten pp.
Paladugu, R.; Celant, A.; Jha, G.; Di Rita, F.; de Sousa, E.; Arruda, A. M.; Maurer, A.-F.; Magri, D.; Barrocas Dias, C.: Insights into agricultural practices at the Phoenician site of Castro Marim between 7th-5th century BCE. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1461150 (2024)
Klingan, K.; Hoffmann-Wallbeck, N.; Schäfer, G. (Eds.): Geology of the present. Spector Books, Leipzig (2025), 90 Seiten pp.
Barquera, R.; Sitter, T. L.; Kirkpatrick, C. L.; Ramirez, D. A.; Kocher, A.; Spyrou, M. A.; Couoh, L. R.; Talavera-González, J. A.; Castro, M.; von Hunnius, T. et al.; Guevara, E. K.; Hamilton, W. D.; Roberts, P.; Scott, E.; Fabra, M.; Peña, D.; V., G.; Pacheco, A.; Rodriguez, M.; Aspillaga, E.; Tiliakou, A.; Nelson, E. A.; Giffin, K. L.; Bianco, R. A.; Rohrlach, A. B.; de los Ángeles García Martínez, M.; Solís, B.; A., F.; Sajantila, A.; Saunders, S. R.; Nores, R.; Herbig, A.; Krause, J.; Bos, K. I.: Ancient genomes reveal a deep history of treponemal disease in the Americas. Nature, s41586-024-08515-5 (2024)
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