Preprint (10)

Krikunova, A. I.; Savelieva, L. A.; Long, T.; Leipe, C.; Kobe, F.; Kostromina, N. A.; Vasilyeva, A. V.; Tarasov, P. E.: Postglacial vegetation and climate change in the Lake Onega region of eastern Fennoscandia derived from a radiocarbon-dated pollen record. Quaternary International, 2024.04.003 (2024)
Lambourne, M.-L.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.; Peters, C.; Weisler, M.: Taxonomic identification of Hawaiian bone fishhooks using Zooms: documenting raw material selection and possible ritual use of terrestrial species. SSRN, 4696254 (2024)
Shen, R.; Ebinghaus, R.; Vassão, D. G.; Ratcliffe, N.; Larsen, T.: Isotopic evidence for long-term Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Icelandic seabirds. EcoEvoRxiv, 10120463 (2023)
Sekhar Chakraborty, K.; Bestel, S.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.; Shirvalkar, P.; Rawat, Y.; Larsen, T.; Miller, H. M.-L.: To waste or not to waste: a multi-proxy analysis of human-waste interaction and rural waste management in Indus Era Gujarat. Research Square, 3232545 (2023)
Vane, K.; Cobain, M. R. D.; Larsen, T.: The power and pitfalls of amino acid carbon stable isotopes for tracing the use and fate of basal resources in food webs. EcoEvoRxiv, X2VG6G (2023)
Gaffney, D.; Tanudirjo, D. A.; Djami, E. N. I.; Mas’ud, Z.; Macap, A. R.; Russell, T.; Dailom, M.; Ray, Y.; Higham, T.; Bradshaw, F. et al.; Petchey, F.; Florin, S. A.; Roberts, P.; Lucas, M.; Tromp, M.; Greig, K.; Xhauflair, H.; Montenegro, A.; Hall, R.; Boulanger, C.; Ono, R.; Oertle, A.; Scholz, D.; Spitzer, M.; Szabo, K.; Bertelli, I.; Ribechini, E.; Haberle, S.: Human dispersal and plant processing in the Pacific 55,000–50,000 years ago. Antiquity (2023)
Fisher, M. T.; Jurkenas, D.; Jambajantsan, A.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Nasan-Ochir, E.-O.; Gelegdorj, E.; Chuluunbat, M.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N. L.: Multidisciplinary digital methodologies for documentation and preservation of immovable Archaeological heritage in the Khovd River Valley, Western Mongolia. F1000Research 11, 1250 (2022)

Blog Post (1)

Blog Post
Petraglia, M.; Ndiema, E. K.; Martinón-Torres , M.; Boivin, N. L.: Major new research claims smaller-brained Homo naledi made rock art and buried the dead. But the evidence is lacking. (2023)
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