2025 News from the MPI of Geoanthropology

Using Ostracoda to Reveal Anthropogenic Impacts on Water Quality

A new paper published in Earth-Science Reviews examines all studied responses of Ostracoda to anthropogenic environmental stresses, highlighting their benefits as indicators of human impacts on water quality and indicating areas for future implementation more

Ancient and Modern DNA Reveal How Traditional Farming Preserves Manioc’s Genetic Diversity

New study shows how Indigenous farming practices have sustained one of the world’s most important crops for thousands of years more

Hot Dung: How Well Do Traces of Animal Dung Survive Fire?

A New Study Puts Fecal Biomarkers to the Test more

Urban Inequality Scaling – Research Indicates Correlation between Population Size and Elite Wealth in Urban Spaces

A new study published in Nature Cities examines ancient Roman and modern-day cities, revealing a scaling relationship between population and physical expressions of elite wealth which may transcend time and culture more

Earliest Evidence for Humans in Rainforests

Rainforests are a major world biome which humans are not thought to have inhabited until relatively recently. New evidence now shows that humans lived in rainforests by at least 150 thousand years ago in Africa, the home of our species. more

ARTEMIS Mentorship Programme coming to MPI of Geoanthropology

Dr. Lucy Timbrell of the Human Palaeosystems group and Yosef Dosha of Addis Ababa University have been accepted as a mentor/mentee pair in the ARTEMIS programme of the Max Planck Society more

How human activity has shaped Brazil Nut forests’ past and future

Genomic analyses reveal the vital role of human activity in the Amazonian species’ genetic makeup. more

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