DogStudies Publications

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Bender, Y.; Roth, F.; Schweinberger, S.; Witte, S.; Bräuer, J.: Like owner, like dog; a systematic review about similarities in dog-human dyads. Personality and Individual Differences 233, 112884, pp. 1 - 11 (2025)
Journal Article
Bräuer, J.; Eichentopf, D.; Gebele, N.; Jandke, L.; Mann, V.; Schulte, K.; Bender, Y.: Dogs distinguish authentic human emotions without being empathic. Animal Cognition 27 (1), 60, pp. 1 - 12 (2024)
Journal Article
Gebele, N.; Croy, I.; Bräuer, J.: Odor-based recognition of canine stress: investigating human olfactory perception. Journal of sensory studies 39 (6), e70002, pp. 1 - 8 (2024)
Journal Article
Schneider, A. K. E.; Bräuer, J.: Exploring levels of interspecies interaction: expectations, knowledge, and empathy in human–dog relationships. Animals 14 (17), 2509 (2024)
Journal Article
Bender, Y.; Matschkowski, T.; Schweinberger, S. R.; Bräuer, J.: "An Aid with Soul": understanding the determinants of guide dog-owner compatibility from qualitative interviews. Animals, 13172751 (2023)
Journal Article
Chira, A. M.; Kirby, K.; Epperlein, T.; Bräuer, J.: Function predicts how people treat their dogs in a global sample. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4954 (2023)
Journal Article
Bender, Y.; Bräuer, J.; Schweinberger, S. R.: What makes a good dog-owner team?: a systematic review about compatibility in personality and attachment. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 260, 105857, pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
Journal Article
Bräuer, J.; Bender, Y.: Warum die Vergleichende Psychologie auf den Hund gekommen ist. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 55 (1), a000267, pp. 3 - 8 (2023)
Journal Article
Epperlein, T.; Kovacs, G.; Oña, L. S.; Amici, F.; Bräuer, J.: Context and prediction matter for the interpretation of social interactions across species. PLoS One 17 (12), e0277783 (2022)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Bräuer, J.; Vidal Orga, B.: Why wolves became dogs: interdisciplinary questions on domestication. In: Dogs, past and present: an interdisciplinary perspective, Chapter 2.3, pp. 72 - 82 (Eds. Fiore, I.; Lugli, F.). Archaeopress, Summertown (2023)

Commentary (1)

The dissonance between knowing animals are sentient beings yet eating them: Commentary on Rowan et al. on Sentience Politics (Animal Sentience, 31). (2022), 4 pp.

Blog Post (14)

Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Help me if you can: here's how humans, chimps, dogs and mice help each other. (2025)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Are social species better off?: Are we stronger together? A new study highlights the advantages of being social. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Small birds with a big impact: Honeyguides show people the location of bee nests. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Bumblebees learn from each other: Can insects have a culture? (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: The legacy of two great Primatologists: goodbye to Frans de Waal and Christophe Boesch. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Lemurs: the mysterious primates of Madagascar ; all about lemur cognition. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Bonobos: the peaceful apes; here's what we can learn from our dark, hairy cousins. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Why horses are big dogs: there are unexpected similarities between these two species. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Syntax in monkeys and apes: two calls combined make a new sense. (2023)
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