2022 Events

Speaker: Ugne Stolz (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) Location: Online

The influence of reassortment on viral fitness and host switching

Virtual seminar series: Horizontal evolutionary processes in phylogenetics
Reassortment is a form of recombination in viruses with segmented genomes, such as influenza. It is characterized by different viral strains exchanging their segments upon the co-infection of a single host cell. Therefore, the shared history of such viruses has to be depicted by a network, not a tree. In this talk Ugne Stolz will present a coalescent with reassortment (CoalRe) package for the inference of such networks from the genetic sequence data and its extension SCoRe which allows for population structure. Stolz will discuss extensions to the classic coalescent framework and how these packages can be used in order to explore reassortment influence on viral fitness and jumps between different host types. [more]
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