An Early MIS 3 Lithic Assemblage from India
Sapiens in South Asia
- Date: Mar 15, 2023
- Time: 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Garima Khansili
- Lecturer, North-eastern Hill University, Meghalaya, India
- Location: Zoom
- Host: Department of Archaeology
- Contact:

The origin and timing ofmodern human dispersal is of great interest to various disciplines.Archaeological data over the past couple of decades has shown that microlithictechnology was already present in the Indian subcontinent by early MIS 3.Microlithic blade technology is often considered as proxy for the presence ofmodern humans. At present, there are around ten archaeological sites within theIndian subcontinent that are dated within the early MIS 3 and associated withthe microlithic blade technology.
The site of Mehtakheri in central India has yielded one of the earliest datedmicrolithic assemblage from the Indian subcontinent. The site has a long sequenceof archaeological record. The archaeological horizon-2 from the site ischaracterised by microlithic blade technology and dated around 48 ka. The talkshall focus on the lithic assemblage from a MIS 3 archaeological horizon fromMehtakheri.
The dates for microlithic technology in India are as old as those from Levant,which are presently considered the oldest in the world. The early presence ofmicrolithic technology in India, compared to Southeast Asia and Australia israrely incorporated into reconstructions of possible Modern Human dispersals tosoutheast Asia and Australia.