Workshop: New theoretical and methodological approaches to changing land use in the South Central Andes during the last three millennia
- Date: Nov 28, 2022
- Time: 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Various
- Location: MPI of Geoanthropology
- Room: Villa V14
- Host: Department of Archaeology
- Contact:

9:00. Welcoming words.
9:10. Carla Jaimes Betancourt. Population dynamics during the lateHolocene in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia
9:50. Enrique Moreno. South American camelid pastoralism in thegrasslands and forests of Eastern Catamarca (Argentina) during the 1stMillennium CE.
10:30. Celeste Samec. South American camelid domestication and herding in theDry Puna of Argentina
11:10.Coffee break
11:30 Elise Dufour. Adaptation of Andean pastoralismto the lowlands of northern Peru.
12:10. Paul Heggarty. Striking correlations between land use patternsand indigenous language expansions in the South-Central Andes
12:50. Lunch break
13:30. Félix Retamero. Landscapes and work force in colonial SantaCruz (Valle Viejo, Catamarca Valley, Argentina, 16th-19th c.). A historicalarchaeology project
14:10. Christian Mader. Ancient Andean Agricultural Terraces: AHolistic Approach to Study Land Use Change in Southern Peru
14:50. Coffee break
15:20. Valeria Franco Salvi. Agropastoraleconomies and land use in early village landscapes: A comparative approach
16:00. Verónica Zuccarelli. Through deserts to forests: theagrarian landscapes of Northwestern Argentina as a way to manageenvironmental diversity in contrasting environments.
16:40. Patrick Roberts. Multidisciplinary approaches to pre-colonialand colonial land-use in the Neotropics: Applications in Argentina
17:30. Dinner at the Institute.
18:30. Summary of key talking points from the talks and plotting the wayforward for discussion panels on Tuesday.
20:00 End of workshop