Arturo Cueva Temprana

Research Associate

Main Focus

Arturo Cueva Temprana is a PhD. student currently working under the Stone Tools, Diet and Sociality Project (SDS) coordinated by Dr. Julio Mercader at the University of Calgary with the collaboration of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and several institutions from Tanzania, Canada and Spain.

His PhD project, supervised by Dr. Michael Petraglia and Dr. Julio Mercader, is focused on the technological evolution of Olduvai Gorge’s Bed I to Bed IV lithic assemblages, with the aim of performing diachronic comparisons by means of geometric morphometry and knapping sequence reconstructions.

In addition, his main research interests and expertise are related with the evolution of human cognition, technological complexity, archaeological theory and experimental archaeology.

Curriculum Vitae

Graduated in History at Universidad de Oviedo in 2015, he obtained his Master's degree in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution at Universitat Rovira I Virgili in 2017. Between 2017 and 2019 he worked with the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) in several projects, such as the Early Pleistocene site of El Barranc de la Boella, before joining the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.

During his career he has participated in several fieldworks in Spain, Mongolia, Kenya and Tanzania.
Since 2018 he is a member of the Atapuerca Research Project.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Vanwezer, N., Breitenbach, S. F., Gázquez, F., Louys, J., Kononov, A., Sokol'nikov, D., Erdenedalai, A., Burget-Coca, A., Picin, A., Cueva-Temprana, A., ... & Petraglia, M. D. (2021). Archaeological and environmental cave records in the Gobi-Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Quaternary International.

Mercader, J., Akuku, P., Boivin, N., Bugumba, R., Bushozi, P., Camacho, A., Carter, T., Clarke, S., Cueva-Temprana, A., et al. Earliest Olduvai hominins exploited unstable environments ~ 2 million years ago (2021). Nature Communications 12, 3.

Lombao, D., Cueva-Temprana, A., Mosquera, M., Morales, J.I. (2020). A new approach to measure reduction intensity on cores and tools on cobbles: the Volumetric Reconstruction Method. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12, 222.

Fernández-Marchena, J. L.  Rabuñal, J. R., Mateo-Lomba, P., Lombao, D., Hernando, R., Cueva-Temprana, A., & Cazalla, I. (2020). Rainbow in the dark. The identification of diagnostic projectile impact features on rock crystal. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31, 102315.

Lombao, D., Cueva-Temprana, A., Rabuñal, J.R., Morales, J. I., & Mosquera, M. (2019). The effects of blank size and knapping strategy on the estimation of core’s reduction intensity. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(10), 5445-5461.

Cueva-Temprana, A., Lombao, D., Morales, J. I., Geribàs, N., & Mosquera, M. (2019). Gestures during knapping: a two-perspective approach to Pleistocene Technologies. Lithic Technology, 44(2), 74-89.

Lombao, D., Cueva-Temprana, A., Figols, M. G., & Martínez, M. M. (2018). De la palabra al gesto: el papel de diferentes mecanismos de transmisión social en la adquisición del método de talla alternante. Butlleti Arqueològic, (40), 25-31.

Cueva-Temprana, A., Lombao, D., Armengol, N. G., & Martínez, M. M. (2018). El catálogo conductual de la talla lítica y sus aplicaciones a la tecnología del Paleolítico Inferior. Butlleti Arqueològic, (40), 19-24.

Cueva-Temprana, A. (2016). Los orígenes de la tecnología a debate: una revisión de las primeras industrias líticas. Panta Rei: revista de ciencia y didáctica de la historia, (6), 9-18.

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