Dr. Carli Peters

Research Associate
DAE Research Group

Main Focus

Carli Peters is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanhtropology. For her research, she uses Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) to gain insight into Australian faunal assemblages by improving identification rates.

Working with the Domestication and Domestication Anthropogenic Evolution (DAE) Research Group, she also uses a combined approach of zooarchaeological analysis and ZooMS to reconstruct human-animal interactions (e.g. birds & fish) at various ancient Oasis sites in Central Asia.

Curriculum Vitae

Carli Peters received both her BA in Archaeology (2016) and RMSc in Bioarchaeology (2018) from Leiden University. Her RMSc research focused on the reconstruction of the site formation history of the Middle Pleistocene site Schöningen 13II-4 by means of spatial analysis, spatial statistics and orientation analyses of faunal remains. In 2023, she successfully defended her PhD at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena.


Peters, C., K.K. Richter, S. Wilkin, S. Stark, B. Mir-Makhamad, R. Fernandes, F. Maksudov, S. Mirzaakhmedov, H. Rahmonov, S. Schirmer, K. Ashastina, A. Begmatov, M. Frachetti, S. Kurbanov, M. Shenkar, T. Hermes, F. Kidd, A. Omelchenko, B. Huber, N. Boivin, S. Wang, P. Lurje, M. von Baeyer, R. Dal Martello, R.N. Spengler III (2024). Archaeological and molecular evidence for ancient chickens in Central Asia. Nature Communications 15, 2697.

Peters, C., Y. Wang, V. Vakil, J. Cramb, J. Dortch, S. Hocknull, R. Lawrence, T. Manne, C. Monks, G.E. Roessner, H. Ryan, M. Siversson, T. Ziegler, J. Louys, G.J. Price, N. Boivin, and M.J. Collins (2023). Bone collagen from subtropical Australia is preserved for more than 50,000 years. Communications Earth and Environment 4, 438.

Hillestad Nel, T.*, C. Peters*, K.K. Richter*, C. Henshilwood, K. van Niekerk, and K. Douka (2023). Peptide mass fingerprinting as a tool to assess micromammal biodiversity in Pleistocene South Africa: The case of Klipdrift Shelter. Quaternary Science Reviews 322, 108380. (*joint first authors).

Peters, C., K.K. Richter, J.C. Svenning, and N. Boivin (2022). Leveraging palaeoproteomics to address conservation and restoration agendas. iScience 25, 104195.

Peters, C., K.K. Richter, T. Manne, J. Dortch, A. Paterson, K. Travouillon, J. Louys, G.J. Price, M. Petraglia, A. Crowther, and N. Boivin (2021). Species identification of Australian marsupials using collagen fingerprinting. Royal Society Open Science 8, 211229.

Peters, C. and T. van Kolfschoten (2020). The site formation history of Schoningen 13II-4 (Germany): Testing different models of site formation by means of spatial analysis, spatial statistics and orientation analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 114, 105067.

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