Publications of Johannes Krause
All genres
Journal Article (190)
Journal Article
30 (2), 009, pp. 78 - 87 (2015)
Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 142.
Journal Article
370 (1660), 20130375, pp. 1 - 5 (2015)
Parallel detection of ancient pathogens via array-based DNA capture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 143.
Journal Article
370 (1660), 20130622, pp. 1 - 10 (2015)
Screening ancient tuberculosis with qPCR: challenges and opportunities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 144.
Journal Article
64, pp. 87 - 99 (2015)
Ancient human migrations. Die Kunde 145.
Journal Article
10 (4), e1004028 (2014)
Mining herbaria for plant pathogen genomes: Back to the future. PLoS Pathogens 146.
Journal Article
15, 270 (2014)
Mycobacterium leprae genomes from a British medieval leprosy hospital: towards understanding an ancient epidemic. BMC Genomics 147.
Journal Article
514 (7523), 13591, pp. 494 - 497 (2014)
Pre-Columbian mycobacterial genomes reveal seals as a source of New World human tuberculosis. Nature 148.
Journal Article
144 (7/8), pp. 274 - 277 (2014)
Die molekulare Stammesgeschichte des Menschen: Steckt in uns allen ein kleiner Neandertaler? Senckenberg: Natur, Forschung, Museum; das Senckenberg-Wissenschaftsmagazin 149.
Journal Article
513 (7518), 13673, pp. 409 - 413 (2014)
Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans. Nature 150.
Journal Article
144 (7/8), pp. 278 - 281 (2014)
Wo der Mensch auf den Hund kam: Genetische Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass der Ursprung der Domestikation in Europa liegt. Senckenberg: Natur, Forschung, Museum; das Senckenberg-Wissenschaftsmagazin 151.
Journal Article
111 (6), 1318934111, pp. 2229 - 2234 (2014)
Separating endogenous ancient DNA from modern day contamination in a Siberian Neandertal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 152.
Journal Article
342 (6160), 1243650, pp. 871 - 874 (2013)
Complete mitochondrial genomes of ancient canids suggest a European origin of domestic dogs. Science 153.
Journal Article
341 (6142), pp. 179 - 183 (2013)
Genome-wide comparison of medieval and modern Mycobacterium leprae. Science 154.
Journal Article
62 (4), pp. 539 - 554 (2013)
Next-generation museomics disentangles one of the largest primate radiations. Systematic Biology 155.
Journal Article
2, e01108 (2013)
The rise and fall of the Phytophthora infestans lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine. eLife 156.
Journal Article
23 (7), pp. 553 - 559 (2013)
A revised timescale for human evolution based on ancient mitochondrial genomes. Current Biology 157.
Journal Article
7 (11), e49803 (2012)
Yersinia pestis: new evidence for an old infection. PLoS One 158.
Journal Article
10 (5), e1001333 (2012)
Human origins and the search for “Missing Links”. PLoS Biology 159.
Journal Article
7 (3), e34131 (2012)
Temporal patterns of nucleotide misincorporations and DNA fragmentation in ancient DNA. PLoS One 160.
Journal Article
7 (3), e32473 (2012)
Complete mitochondrial genomes reveal neolithic expansion into Europe. PLoS One