Publications of Nicole L. Boivin

Journal Article (193)

Journal Article
Narasimhan, V. M.; Patterson, N.; Moorjani, P.; Rohland, N.; Bernardos, R.; Mallick, S.; Lazaridis, I.; Nakatsuka, N.; Olalde, I.; Lipson, M. et al.; Kim, A. M.; Olivieri, L. M.; Coppa, A.; Vidale, M.; Mallory, J.; Moiseyev, V.; Kitov, E.; Monge, J.; Adamski, N.; Alex, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Candilio, F.; Callan, K.; Cheronet, O.; Culleton, B. J.; Ferry, M.; Fernandes, D.; Freilich, S.; Gamarra, B.; Gaudio, D.; Hajdinjak, M.; Harney, É.; Harper, T. K.; Keating, D.; Lawson, A. M.; Mah, M.; Mandl, K.; Michel, M.; Novak, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Rai, N.; Sirak, K.; Slon, V.; Stewardson, K.; Zalzala, F.; Zhang, Z.; Akhatov, G.; Bagashev, A. N.; Bagnera, A.; Baitanayev, B.; Bendezu-Sarmiento, J.; Bissembaev, A. A.; Bonora, G. L.; Chargynov, T. T.; Chikisheva, T.; Dashkovskiy, P. K.; Derevianko, A.; Dobes, M.; Douka, K.; Dubova, N.; Duisengali, M. N.; Enshin, D.; Epimakhov, A.; Fribus, A. V.; Fuller, D.; Goryachev, A.; Gromov, A.; Grushin, S. P.; Hanks, B.; Judd, M.; Kazizov, E.; Khokhlov, A.; Krygin, A. P.; Kupriyanova, E.; Kuznetsov, P.; Luiselli, D.; Maksudov, F.; Mamedov, A. M.; Mamirov, T. B.; Meiklejohn, C.; Merrett, D. C.; Micheli, R.; Mochalov, O.; Mustafokulov, S.; Nayak, A.; Pettener, D.; Potts, R.; Razhev, D.; Rykun, M.; Sarno, S.; Savenkova, T. M.; Sikhymbaeva, K.; Slepchenko, S. M.; Soltobaev, O. A.; Stepanova, N.; Svyatko, S.; Tabaldiev, K.; Teschler-Nicola, M.; Tishkin, A. A.; Tkachev, V. V.; Vasilyev, S.; Velemínský, P.; Voyakin, D.; Yermolayeva, A.; Zahir, M.; Zubkov, V. S.; Zubova, A.; Shinde, V. S.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Meyer, M.; Anthony, D.; Boivin, N. L.; Thangaraj, K.; Kennett, D. J.; Frachetti, M.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia. Science 365 (6457), eaat7487 (2019)
Journal Article
Stephens, L.; Fuller, D.; Boivin, N. L.; Rick, T.; Gauthier, N.; Kay, A.; Marwick, B.; Armstrong, C. G.; Barton, C. M.; Denham, T. et al.; Douglass, K.; Driver, J.; Janz, L.; Roberts, P.; Rogers, J. D.; Heather, T.; Altaweel, M.; Johnson, A. L.; Sampietro Vattuone, M. M.; Aldenderfer, M.; Archila, S.; Artioli, G.; Bale, M. T.; Beach, T.; Borrell, F.; Braje, T.; Buckland, P. I.; Jiménez Cano, N. G.; Capriles, J. M.; Diez Castillo, A.; Cilingiroglu, C.; Negus Cleary, M.; Conolly, J.; Coutros, P. R.; Covey, R. A.; Cremaschi, M.; Crowther, A.; Der, L.; di Lernia, S.; Doershuk, J. F.; Doolittle, W. E.; Edwards, K. J.; Erlandson, J. M.; Evans, D.; Fairbairn, A.; Faulkner, P.; Feinman, G.; Fernandes, R.; Fitzpatrick, S. M.; Fyfe, R.; Garcea, E.; Goldstein, S. T.; Goodman, R. C.; Dalpoim Guedes, J.; Herrmann, J.; Hiscock, P.; Hommel, P.; Horsburgh, K. A.; Hritz, C.; Ives, J. W.; Junno, A.; Kahn, J. G.; Kaufman, B.; Kearns, C.; Kidder, T. R.; Lanoë, F.; Lawrence, D.; Lee, G.-A.; Levin, M. J.; Lindskoug, H. B.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Macrae, S.; Marchant, R.; Marston, J. M.; McClure, S.; McCoy, M. D.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Morrison, M.; Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G.; Müller, J.; Nayak, A.; Noerwidi, S.; Peres, T. M.; Peterson, C. E.; Proctor, L.; Randall, A. R.; Renette, S.; Robbins Schug, G.; Ryzewski, K.; Saini, R.; Scheinsohn, V.; Schmidt, P.; Sebillaud, P.; Seitsonen, O.; Simpson, I. A.; Sołtysiak, A.; Speakman, R. J.; Spengler III, R. N.; Steffen, M. L.; Storozum, M. J.; Strickland, K. M.; Thompson, J.; Thurston, T. L.; Ulm, S.; Ustunkaya, M. C.; Welker, M. H.; West, C.; Williams, P. R.; Wright, D. K.; Wright, N.; Zahir, M.; Zerboni, A.; Beaudoin, E.; Munevar Garcia, S.; Powell, J.; Thornton, A.; Kaplan, J. O.; Gaillard, M.-J.; Klein Goldewijk, K.; Ellis, E.: Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 365 (6456), pp. 897 - 902 (2019)
Journal Article
Ren, M.; Tang, Z.; Wu, X.; Spengler, R.; Jiang, H.; Yang, Y.; Boivin, N.: The origins of cannabis smoking: chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs. Science Advances 5 (6), eaaw1391 (2019)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Crowther, A.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Towards a historical ecology of intertidal foraging in the Mafia Archipelago: archaeomalacology and implications for marine resource management. Journal of Ethnobiology 39 (2), pp. 182 - 203 (2019)
Journal Article
Li, F.; Vanwezer, N.; Boivin, N. L.; Gao, X.; Ott, F.; Petraglia, M. D.; Roberts, P.: Heading north: Late Pleistocene environments and human dispersals in central and eastern Asia. PLoS One 14 (5), e0216433. (2019)
Journal Article
Wedage, O.; Amano, N.; Langley, M. C.; Douka, K.; Blinkhorn, J.; Crowther, A.; Deraniyagala, S.; Kourampas, N.; Simpson, I.; Perera, N. et al.; Picin, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Petraglia, M. D.; Roberts, P.: Specialized rainforest hunting by Homo sapiens ~45,000 years ago. Nature Communications 10, 739 (2019)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Ali, A. K.; Crowther, A.; Shipton, C.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Long-term trends in terrestrial and marine invertebrate exploitation on the eastern African coast: Insights from Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 14 (4), pp. 478 - 514 (2019)
Journal Article
Harney, É.; Nayak, A.; Patterson, N.; Joglekar, P.; Mushrif-Tripathy, V.; Mallick, S.; Rohland, N.; Sedig, J.; Adamski, N.; Bernardos, R. et al.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Culleton, B. J.; Ferry, M.; Harper, T. K.; Michel, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Stewardson, K.; Zhang, Z.; Harashawaradhana, D.; Bartwal, M. S.; Kumar, S.; Diyundi, S. C.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N.; Kennett, D. J.; Thangaraj, K.; Reich, D.; Rai, N.: Ancient DNA from the skeletons of Roopkund Lake reveals Mediterranean migrants in India. Nature Communications 10 (1), 3670 (2019)
Journal Article
Kingwell-Banham, E.; Bohingamuwa, W.; Perera, N.; Adikari, G.; Crowther, A.; Fuller, D. Q.; Boivin, N. L.: Spice and rice: pepper, cloves and everyday cereal foods at the ancient port of Mantai, Sri Lanka. Antiquity 92 (366), pp. 1552 - 1570 (2018)
Journal Article
Murphy, C.; Weisskopf, A.; Bohingamuwa, W.; Adikari, G.; Perera, N.; Blinkhorn, J.; Horton, M.; Fuller, D. Q.; Boivin, N.: Early agriculture in Sri Lanka: New archaeobotanical analyses and radiocarbon dates from the early historic sites of Kirinda and Kantharodai (Kandarodai). Archaeological Research in Asia 16, pp. 88 - 102 (2018)
Journal Article
Jeong, C.; Wilkin, S.; Amgalantugs, T.; Bouwman, A. S.; Taylor, W. T. T.; Hagan, R.; Bromage, S.; Tsolmon, S.; Trachsel, C.; Grossmann, J. et al.; Littleton, J.; Makarewicz, C. A.; Krigbaum, J.; Burri Promerová, M.; Scott, A.; Davaasambuu, G.; Wright, J.; Irmer, F.; Myagmar, E.; Boivin, N. L.; Robbeets, M.; Rühli, F. J.; Krause, J.; Frohlich, B.; Hendy, J.; Warinner, C. G.: Bronze Age population dynamics and the rise of dairy pastoralism on the eastern Eurasian steppe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (48), pp. E11248 - E11255 (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, W.; Shnaider, S.; Abdykanova, A.; Fages, A.; Welker, F.; Irmer, F.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Khan, N.; Douka, K.; Kolobova, K. et al.; Orlando, L.; Krivoshapkin, A.; Boivin, N.: Early pastoral economies along the Ancient Silk Road: Biomolecular evidence from the Alay Valley, Kyrgyzstan. PLoS One 13 (10), e0205646 (2018)
Journal Article
Hendy, J.; Colonese, A. C.; Franz, I.; Fernandes, R.; Fischer, R.; Orton, D.; Lucquin, A.; Spindler, L.; Anvari, J.; Stroud, E. et al.; Biehl, P. F.; Speller, C.; Boivin, N.; Mackie, M.; Jersie-Christensen, R. R.; Olsen, J. V.; Collins, M. J.; Craig, O. E.; Rosenstock, E.: Ancient proteins from ceramic vessels at Çatalhöyük West reveal the hidden cuisine of early farmers. Nature Communications 9, 4064 (2018)
Journal Article
Crowther, A.; Prendergast, M. E.; Fuller, D. Q.; Boivin, N. L.: Subsistence mosaics, forager-farmer interactions, and the transition to food production in eastern Africa. Quaternary International 489, pp. 101 - 120 (2018)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Fernandes, R.; Janzen, A.; Nayak, A.; Swift, J. A.; Zech, J.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Sampling and pretreatment of tooth enamel carbonate for stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. Journal of Visualized Experiments (138), e58002 (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, W. T. T.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Tuvshinjargal, T.; Bender, S.; Tromp, M.; Clark, J.; Lowry, K. B.; Houle, J.-L.; Staszewski, D.; Whitworth, J. et al.; Fitzhugh, W.; Boivin, N. L.: Origins of equine dentistry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (29), pp. E6707 - E6715 (2018)
Journal Article
Grimaldi, I. M.; Muthukumaran, S.; Tozzi, G.; Nastasi, A.; Boivin, N.; Matthews, P. J.; van Andel, T.: Literary evidence for taro in the ancient Mediterranean: A chronology of names and uses in a multilingual world. PLoS One 13 (6), e0198333 (2018)
Journal Article
Swift, J. A.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Kirch, P. V.: Restructuring of nutrient flows in island ecosystems following human colonization evidenced by isotopic analysis of commensal rats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (25), pp. 6392 - 6397 (2018)
Journal Article
Shipton, C.; Roberts, P.; Archer, W.; Armitage, S. J.; Bita, C.; Blinkhorn, J.; Courtney-Mustaphi, C.; Crowther, A.; Curtis, R.; Errico, F. d. et al.; Douka, K.; Faulkner, P.; Groucutt, H. S.; Helm, R.; Herries, A. I. R.; Jembe, S.; Kourampas, N.; Lee-Thorp, J.; Marchant, R.; Mercader, J.; Marti, A. P.; Prendergast, M. E.; Rowson, B.; Tengeza, A.; Tibesasa, R.; White, T. S.; Petraglia, M. D.; Boivin, N.: 78,000-year-old record of Middle and Later stone age innovation in an East African tropical forest. Nature Communications 9, 1832 (2018)
Journal Article
Marchant, R.; Richer, S.; Boles, O.; Capitani, C.; Courtney-Mustaphi, C. J.; Lane, P.; Prendergast, M. E.; Stump, D.; Cort, G. D.; Kaplan, J. O. et al.; Phelps, L.; Kay, A.; Olago, D.; Petek, N.; Platts, P. J.; Punwong, P.; Widgren, M.; Wynne-Jones, S.; Ferro-Vázquez, C.; Benard, J.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.; Cuní-Sanchez, A.; Deere, N. J.; Ekblom, A.; Farmer, J.; Finch, J.; Fuller, D.; Gaillard-Lemdahl, M.-J.; Gillson, L.; Githumbi, E.; Kabora, T.; Kariuki, R.; Kinyanjui, R.; Kyazike, E.; Lang, C.; Lejju, J.; Morrison, K. D.; Muiruri, V.; Mumbi, C.; Muthoni, R.; Muzuka, A.; Ndiema, E.; Nzabandora, C. K.; Onjala, I.; Schrijver, A. P.; Rucina, S.; Shoemaker, A.; Thornton-Barnett, S.; van der Plas, G.; Watson, E. E.; Williamson, D.; Wright, D.: Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa: human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present. Earth-Science Reviews 178, pp. 322 - 378 (2018)
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