Publications of Michael D. Petraglia
All genres
Journal Article (197)
Journal Article
119, pp. 116 - 135 (2015)
Human occupation of the Arabian Empty Quarter during MIS 5: evidence from Mundafan Al-Buhayrah, Saudi Arabia. Quaternary Science Reviews 102.
Journal Article
28 (2), pp. 69 - 112 (2015)
The Sri Lankan 'microlithic' tradition c. 38,000 to 3,000 years ago: Tropical technologies and adaptations of Homo sapiens at the southern edge of Asia. Journal of World Prehistory 103.
Journal Article
43 (4), pp. 295 - 298 (2015)
Alluvial fan records from southeast Arabia reveal multiple windows for human dispersal. Geology 104.
Journal Article
347 (6227), pp. 1246 - 1249 (2015)
Direct evidence for human reliance on rainforest resources in late Pleistocene Sri Lanka. Science 105.
Journal Article
417, pp. 80 - 90 (2015)
Ostrich expansion into India during the Late Pleistocene: Implications for continental dispersal corridors. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 106.
Journal Article
24 (4), pp. 149 - 164 (2015)
Rethinking the dispersal of Homo sapiens out of Africa. Evolutionary Anthropology 107.
Journal Article
105, pp. 239 - 243 (2014)
Discovery of Youngest Toba Tuff localities in the Sagileru Valley, south India, in association with Palaeolithic industries. Quaternary Science Reviews 108.
Journal Article
350, pp. 7 - 25 (2014)
First technological comparison of Southern African Howiesons Poort and South Asian Microlithic industries: An exploration of inter-regional variability in microlithic assemblages. Quaternary International 109.
Journal Article
50, pp. 460 - 474 (2014)
Epipalaeolithic occupation and palaeoenvironments of the southern Nefud desert, Saudi Arabia, during the Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Journal of Archaeological Science 110.
Journal Article
75, pp. 125 - 142 (2014)
Unexpected technological heterogeneity in northern Arabia indicates complex Late Pleistocene demography at the gateway to Asia. Journal of Human Evolution 111.
Journal Article
21, pp. 90 - 103 (2014)
A high-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age for the Young Toba Tuff and dating of ultra-distal tephra: Forcing of Quaternary climate and implications for hominin occupation of India. Quaternary Geochronology 112.
Journal Article
25 (1), pp. 1 - 21 (2014)
High-resolution geospatial surveying techniques provide new insights into rock-art landscapes at Shuwaymis, Saudi Arabia. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 113.
Journal Article
111 (16), pp. 5848 - 5853 (2014)
Continuity of mammalian fauna over the last 200,000 y in the Indian subcontinent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114.
Journal Article
Large flake Acheulean in the Nefud Desert of Northern Arabia. PaleoAnthropology, pp. 446 - 462 (2014)
Journal Article
Middle East, Central Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent: Lower Paleolithic. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, pp. 4907 - 4922 (2014)
Journal Article
18, pp. 173 - 175 (2013)
Multiple interpretive errors? Indeed. Reply to: Climate effects of the 74 ka Toba super-eruption: Multiple interpretive errors in 'A high-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age for the Young Toba Tuff and dating of ultra-distal tephra' by Michael Haslam. Quaternary Geochronology 117.
Journal Article
87 (337), pp. 666 - 683 (2013)
Rock art landscapes beside the Jubbah palaeolake, Saudi Arabia. Antiquity 118.
Journal Article
87 (337), pp. 923 - 924 (2013)
Human adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: hominin dispersal and behaviour during the Late Quaternary. Antiquity 119.
Journal Article
65 (2), pp. 93 - 108 (2013)
Generativity, hierarchical action and recursion in the technology of the Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition: A perspective from Patpara, the Son Valley, India. Journal of Human Evolution 120.
Journal Article
8 (7), e69665 (2013)
Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic occupations around Mundafan palaeolake, Saudi Arabia: implications for climate change and human dispersals. PLoS One