Language and the Anthropocene Publications
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
3 (1), 20230006 (2023)
Bronze Fish: marine resources and the Bronze Age economy. Old world: journal of ancient Africa and Eurasia 2.
Journal Article
13 (4), 1027 (2023)
The domestication and dispersal of large-fruiting Prunus spp.: a metadata analysis of archaeobotanical material. Agronomy Book Chapter (5)
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
By steppe highway or mountain corridors?: exploring the Archaeolinguistic arguments for the provenance of western Eurasian crops and livestock in Central and East Asia. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 8, pp. 85 - 95 (Eds. 4.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Ancient agriculture borrowings between Sino-Tibetan and Transeurasian Languages. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 5, pp. 41 - 51 (Eds. 5.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Introduction [to Agropastoralism and Languages Across Eurasia]. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 1, pp. 1 - 6 (Eds. 6.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Amuric-Tungusic language contact and the Amuric homeland. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 6, pp. 53 - 69 (Eds. 7.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Prehistoric interaction between Transeurasian and non-Transeurasian speakers. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 4, pp. 25 - 40 (Eds. Book Review (1)
Book Review
78 (2), a920400, pp. 230 - 233 (2023)
Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan. By Morgan Pitelka. Cambridge University Press, 2022. 250 pages. ISBN: 9781316513064 [Review]. Monumenta Nipponica: studies on Japanese culture, past and present Review Article (1)
Review Article
7, s41826-023-00072-6, pp. 183 - 201 (2023)
Henceforth fishermen and hunters are to be restrained: towards a political ecology of animal usage in premodern Japan. Asian archaeology