PS&H Publications
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
Plagues, climate change, and the end of an empire. A response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome (2): Plagues and a crisis of empire. History Compass, e12506 (2018)
Journal Article
Plagues, climate change, and the end of an empire: A response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome (3): Disease, agency, and collapse. History Compass, e12507 (2018)
Journal Article
Plagues, climate change, and the end of an empire: A response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome (1): Climate. History Compass, e12508 (2018)
Journal Article
46 (3), pp. 363 - 379 (2018)
Modelling climate and societal resilience in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last millennium. Human Ecology: an interdisciplinary journal 5.
Journal Article
46 (3), pp. 291 - 303 (2018)
The social burden of resilience: A historical perspective. Human Ecology: an interdisciplinary journal 6.
Journal Article
12 (1), pp. 3 - 17 (2018)
Environment, climate and society in Roman and Byzantine Butrint. Late Antique Archaeology Book (1)
Średniowieczni Rzymianie i przyroda. Interdyscyplinarna historia środowiskowa [Medieval Romans and Nature. An interdisciplinary environmental history]. Historycznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków (2018), 260 pp.
Book Chapter (9)
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Mulryan, M.). Koninklijke Brill, Leiden (2018)
Setting the Scene for an Environmental History of Late Antiquity. In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity, pp. 3 - 13 (Eds. 9.
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Mulryan, M.). Brill, Leiden (2018)
Climatic changes and their impacts in the Mediterranean during the first millennium AD. In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity, pp. 247 - 271 (Eds. 10.
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Mulryan, M.). Brill, Leiden (2018)
Settlement, land use and society in the Late Antique Mediterranean, 4th–7th c: An Overview. In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity, pp. 314 - 329 (Eds. 11.
Book Chapter
Jak zazielenić przeszłość?: historia środowiskowa i Kraków. In: Ekobiografia Krakowa, Wstep, pp. 7 - 37. Znak Horyzont, Krakow (2018)
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Mulryan, M.). Brill, Leiden (2018)
Catastrophes Aside: Environment and the End of Antiquity. In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity, pp. 367 - 370 (Eds. 13.
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.). Znak Horyzont, Kraków (2018)
Jak zazielenić przeszłość? Historia środowiskowa i Kraków [Greening the past. Environmental history and Krakow]. In: Ekobiorafia Krakowa, pp. 7 - 37 (Eds. 14.
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.). Znak Horyzont, Kraków (2018)
Historia klimatu Krakowa [A history of Krakow’s climate]. In: Ekobiorafia Krakowa, pp. 51 - 87 (Eds. 15.
Book Chapter
Historia klimatu Krakowa: wstep ; Klimata a historia. In: Ekobiografia Krakowa, pp. 51 - 87. Znak Horyzont, Krakow (2018)
Book Chapter
Dzieje krakowskiego smogu: Epilog. In: Ekobiografia Krakowa, pp. 281 - 301. Znak Horyzont, Krakow (2018)