
The Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology has developed eight multi-function laboratory facilities for research in the archaeological sciences, focusing on the identification of diagnostic biomolecules and the stable isotope analysis of bulk samples and specific compounds as well as microbotany analysis. Our research examines the organic and inorganic components of a range of materials, including bone, teeth, ceramics, charred and uncharred plant remains, coprolites, residues, and sediments. Our laboratories possess state-of-the-art equipment and are already amongst the leading laboratories globally for biomolecular and environmental archaeology. They are managed by our Laboratory Manager, Dr. Jana Ilgner (, and supervised jointly with a team of technicians. We are committed to research and learning and have produced open-access papers, videos, and interviews, as well as holding workshops, intending to widely circulate our methods and techniques so that as many researchers as possible from around the world can benefit.