Ancient Mobile & Sedentary Interactions in Inner Asia
- Start: Jan 17, 2023 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Jan 19, 2023 07:00 PM
- Speaker: Various
- Location: Hybrid
- Room: Villa V14 and Zoom
- Host: MPI GEA
- Contact:

Central Asia comprises the vast expanse of biologically and culturally diverse lands between each of the great centers of agricultural origins. The people in this region linked Eurasia through commerce and the diffusion of technology and ideas. Despite their importance in shaping the modern world, these peoples are often overlooked in archaeological or historical treaties of the human narrative. For archaeologists working in this expanse, these issues of invisibility are primary obstacles to overcome. In the effort of understanding the role these ancient peoples played in shaping the cultures of the modern world, we have pulled together a group of top archaeological experts. We are focusing on the question of mobility, broadly speaking, including the diffusion of ideas and the movement of people. Mobility remains a central theme in Central Asian archaeology, whether discussing mobile pastoralists or merchants on the Silk Road, movement has dominated discourse. However, an increasing awareness of the prominence of sedentism, agricultural investment, and urban development in this highly diverse part of the world is raising questions about how to identify mobility and sedentism in prehistory and early history. In seeking to increase the general visibility of Central Asian peoples of the past, we will meet to discuss mobility and sedentism in the archaeological record of Central Asia.