Publications of Juliane Bräuer

Journal Article (22)

Journal Article
Bräuer, J.; Silva, K.; Schweinberger, S. R.: Communicating canine and human emotions: Commentary on Kujala on Canine Emotions. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling 14, 7 (2017)
Journal Article
Lampe, M.; Bräuer, J.; Kaminski, J.; Virányi, Z.: The effects of domestication and ontogeny on cognition in dogs and wolves. Scientific Reports 7, 11690 (2017)

Book (2)

Bräuer, J.; Kaminski, J.: Was Hunde wissen. Springer, Berlin (2021), IX, 185 pp.
Bräuer, J.; Kaminski, J.: What Dogs Know. Springer, Cham (2021), IX, 170 pp.

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Kujala, M. V.; Bräuer, J.: Emotions in dogs: neuroscientific, behavioral, and comparative perspectives. In: The Oxford handbook of evolution and the emotions, Chapter 42, pp. 809 - 829. Oxford University Press (2024)
Book Chapter
Bräuer, J.; Vidal Orga, B.: Why wolves became dogs: interdisciplinary questions on domestication. In: Dogs, past and present: an interdisciplinary perspective, Chapter 2.3, pp. 72 - 82 (Eds. Fiore, I.; Lugli, F.). Archaeopress, Summertown (2023)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Bräuer, J.: Perspectives on dog–human interactions. Habilitation, 197 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jena (2022)

Other (1)

Haun, D. B.M.; Liebal, K.; Amici, F.; Bender, A.; Bohn, M.; Bräuer, J.; Buttelmann, D.; Burkart, J.; Cacchione, T.; Detroy, S. et al.; Faßbender, I.; Fichtel, C.; Fischer, J.; Gampe, A.; Gray, R. D.; Horn, L.; Ona, L.; Kärtner, J.; Kaminski, J.; Kanngießer, P.; Keller, H.; Köster, M.; Kopp, K. S.; Kornadt, H.-J.; Rakoczy, H.; Schuppli, C.; Stengelin, R.; Trommsdorff, G.; Van Leeuwen, E.; Van Schaik, C.: Ein Plädoyer für die Relevanz der Vergleichenden Psychologie für das Verständnis menschlicher Entwicklung, Psychologische Rundschau 71, pp. 40 - 41 (2020)

Commentary (1)

The dissonance between knowing animals are sentient beings yet eating them: Commentary on Rowan et al. on Sentience Politics (Animal Sentience, 31). (2022), 4 pp.

Blog Post (34)

Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Help me if you can: here's how humans, chimps, dogs and mice help each other. (2025)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Are social species better off?: Are we stronger together? A new study highlights the advantages of being social. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Small birds with a big impact: Honeyguides show people the location of bee nests. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Bumblebees learn from each other: Can insects have a culture? (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: The legacy of two great Primatologists: goodbye to Frans de Waal and Christophe Boesch. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Lemurs: the mysterious primates of Madagascar ; all about lemur cognition. (2024)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Bonobos: the peaceful apes; here's what we can learn from our dark, hairy cousins. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Why horses are big dogs: there are unexpected similarities between these two species. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Syntax in monkeys and apes: two calls combined make a new sense. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: Goats are not stupid: what we know about goat cognition. (2023)
Blog Post
Bräuer, J.: How people treat their dogs all over the world: new insights about non-WEIRD dogs. (2023)
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