Publications of Ben Krause-Kyora

Journal Article (24)

Journal Article
Immel, A.; Key, F. M.; Szolek, A.; Barquera, R.; Robinson, M. K.; Harrison, G. F.; Palmer, W. H.; Spyrou, M. A.; Susat, J.; Krause-Kyora, B. et al.: Analysis of genomic DNA from medieval plague victims suggests long-term effect of Yersinia pestis on human immunity genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (10), msab147, pp. 4059 - 4076 (2021)
Journal Article
Furtwängler, A.; Neukamm, J.; Böhme, L.; Reiter, E.; Vollstedt, M.; Arora, N.; Singh, P.; Cole, S. T.; Knauf, S.; Calvignac-Spencer, S. et al.: Comparison of target enrichment strategies for ancient pathogen DNA. Biotechniques 69 (6), pp. 455 - 459 (2020)
Journal Article
Di Maida, G.; Mannino, M. A.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Jensen, T. Z. T.; Talamo, S.: Radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis on the purported Aurignacian skeletal remains from Fontana Nuova (Ragusa, Italy). PLoS One 14 (3), e0213173 (2019)
Journal Article
Schuenemann, V. J.; Avanzi, C.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Seitz, A.; Herbig, A.; Inskip, S.; Bonazzi, M.; Reiter, E.; Urban, C.; Dangvard Pedersen, D. et al.: Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe. PLoS Pathogens 14 (5), pp. 1 - 17 (2018)
Journal Article
Krause-Kyora, B.; Susat, J.; Key, F. M.; Kühnert, D.; Bosse, E.; Immel, A.; Rinne, C.; Kornell, S.-C.; Yepes, D.; Franzenburg, S. et al.: Neolithic and medieval virus genomes reveal complex evolution of Hepatitis B. eLife 7, e36666 (2018)
Journal Article
Krause-Kyora, B.; Nutsua, M.; Boehme, L.; Pierini, F.; Pedersen, D. D.; Kornell, S.-C.; Drichel, D.; Bonazzi, M.; Möbus, L.; Tarp, P. et al.: Ancient DNA study reveals HLA susceptibility locus for leprosy in medieval Europeans. Nature Communications 9, 1569 (2018)
Journal Article
Mathieson, I.; Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S.; Posth, C.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Olalde, I.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Candilio, F.; Cheronet, O. et al.: The genomic history of southeastern Europe. Nature 555 (7695), 25778, pp. 197 - 203 (2018)
Journal Article
Schuenemann, V. J.; Avanzi, C.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Seitz, A.; Herbig, A.; Inskip, S.; Bonazzi, M.; Reiter, E.; Urban, C.; Dangvard Pedersen, D. et al.: Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe. PLoS Pathogens 14 (5), e1006997 (2018)
Journal Article
Flachsbart, F.; Dose, J.; Gentschew, L.; Geismann, C.; Caliebe, A.; Knecht, C.; Nygaard, M.; Badarinarayan, N.; ElSharawy, A.; May, S. et al.: Identification and characterization of two functional variants in the human longevity gene FOXO3. Nature Communications 8, 2063 (2017)
Journal Article
Caliebe, A.; Nebel, A.; Makarewicz, C.; Krawczak, M.; Krause-Kyora, B.: Insights into early pig domestication provided by ancient DNA analysis. Scientific Reports 7, 44550 (2017)
Journal Article
Rinne, C.; Fuchs, K.; Muhlack, J.; Dörfer, C.; Mehl, A.; Nutsua, M.; Krause-Kyora, B.: Niedertiefenbach. Ein Galeriegrab der spätneolithischen Wartberggruppe südwestlich von Niedertiefenbach (Landkreis Limburg-Weilburg, Hessen). Praehistorische Zeitschrift 91 (2), pp. 284 - 316 (2016)
Journal Article
Maixner, F.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Turaev, D.; Herbig, A.; Hoopmann, M. R.; Hallows, J. L.; Kusebauch, U.; Vigl, E. E.; Malfertheiner, P.; Megraud, F. et al.: The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman. Science 351 (6269), pp. 162 - 165 (2016)
Journal Article
Lee, E. J.; Renneberg, R.; Harder, M.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Rinne, C.; Mueller, J.; Nebel, A.; von Wurmb-Schwark, N.: Collective burials among agro-pastoral societies in later Neolithic Germany: perspectives from ancient DNA. Journal of Archaeological Science 51, pp. 174 - 180 (2014)
Journal Article
Evin, A.; Girdland Flink, L.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Makarewicz, C.; Hartz, S.; Schreiber, S.; von Wurmb-Schwark, N.; Nebel, A.; von Carnap-Bornheim, C.; Larson, G. et al.: Exploring the complexity of domestication: a response to Rowley-Conwy and Zeder. World Archaeology 46 (5), pp. 825 - 834 (2014)
Journal Article
Lee, E. J.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Rinne, C.; Schuett, R.; Harder, M.; Mueller, J.; von Wurmb-Schwark, N.; Nebel, A.: Ancient DNA insights from the Middle Neolithic in Germany. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 6 (2), pp. 199 - 204 (2014)
Journal Article
Rinne, C.; Krause-Kyora, B.: Genetische Analyse auf dem mehrperiodigen Gräberfeld von Wittmar, Ldkr. Wolfenbüttel. Archäologische Informationen 37, pp. 33 - 41 (2014)
Journal Article
Krause-Kyora, B.; Makarewicz, C.; Evin, A.; Flink, L. G.; Dobney, K.; Larson, G.; Hartz, S.; Schreiber, S.; von Carnap-Bornheim, C.; von Wurmb-Schwark, N. et al.: Use of domesticated pigs by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in northwestern Europe. Nature Communications 4, 2348 (2013)
Journal Article
Schuenemann, V. J.; Singh, P.; Mendum, T. A.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Jaeger, G.; Bos, K.; Herbig, A.; Economou, C.; Benjak, A.; Busso, P. et al.: Genome-wide comparison of medieval and modern Mycobacterium leprae. Science 341 (6142), pp. 179 - 183 (2013)
Journal Article
Harder, M.; Renneberg, R.; Meyer, P.; Krause-Kyora, B.; von Wurmb-Schwark, N.: STR-typing of ancient skeletal remains: which multiplex-PER kit is the best? Croatian Medical Journal 53 (5), pp. 416 - 422 (2012)
Journal Article
Lee, E. J.; Makarewicz, C.; Renneberg, R.; Harder, M.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Mueller, S.; Ostritz, S.; Fehren-Schmitz, L.; Schreiber, S.; Mueller, J. et al.: Emerging genetic patterns of the european neolithic: Perspectives from a late neolithic bell beaker burial site in Germany. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 148 (4), pp. 571 - 579 (2012)