Publications of Johannes Krause

Journal Article (190)

Journal Article
Hübler, R.; Key, F. M.; Warinner, C. G.; Bos, K. I.; Krause, J.; Herbig, A.: HOPS: Automated detection and authentication of pathogen DNA in archaeological remains. Genome Biology 20 (n/a), 280 (2019) (2019)
Journal Article
Fischer, M. S.; Hoßfeld, U.; Krause, J.; Richter, S.: Jenaer Erklärung: das Konzept der Rasse ist das Ergebnis von Rassismus und nicht dessen Voraussetzung. Biologie in unserer Zeit 49 (6), pp. 399 - 402 (2019)
Journal Article
Översti, S.; Majander, K.; Salmela, E.; Salo, K.; Arppe, L.; Belskiy, S.; Etu-Sihvola, H.; Laakso, V.; Mikkola, E.; Pfrengle, S. et al.; Putkonen, M.; Taavitsainen, J.-P.; Vuoristo, K.; Wessman, A.; Sajantila, A.; Oinonen, M.; Haak, W.; Schuenemann, V. J.; Krause, J.; Palo, J. U.; Onkamo, P.: Human mitochondrial DNA lineages in Iron-Age Fennoscandia suggest incipient admixture and eastern introduction of farming-related maternal ancestry. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16883 (2019)
Journal Article
Mittnik, A.; Massy, K.; Knipper, C.; Wittenborn, F.; Pfrengle, S.; Carlichi-Witjes, N.; Deeg, H.; Furtwängler, A.; Harbeck, M.; von Heyking, K. et al.; Kociumaka, C.; Kucukkalipci, I.; Lindauer, S.; Metz, S.; Staskiewicz, A.; Thiel, A.; Wahl, J.; Haak, W.; Pernicka, E.; Schiffels, S.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Krause, J.: Kinship-based social inequality in Bronze Age Europe. Science 366 (6466), aax6219 , pp. 731 - 734 (2019)
Journal Article
Spyrou, M. A.; Keller, M.; Tukhbatova, R. I.; Scheib, C. L.; Nelson, E. A.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Neumann, G.; Walker, D.; Alterauge, A.; Carty, N. et al.; Cessford, C.; Fetz, H.; Gourvennec, M.; Hartle, R.; Henderson, M.; von Heyking, K.; Inskip, S. A.; Kacki, S.; Key, F. M.; Knox, E. L.; Later, C.; Maheshwari-Aplin, P.; Peters, J.; Robb, J. E.; Schreiber, J.; Kivisild, T.; Castex, D.; Lösch, S.; Harbeck, M.; Herbig, A.; Bos, K. I.; Krause, J.: Phylogeography of the second plague pandemic revealed through analysis of historical Yersinia pestis genomes. Nature Communications 10 (1), 4470 (2019)
Journal Article
Bos, K. I.; Kühnert, D.; Herbig, A.; Esquivel Gomez, L. R.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Barquera Lozano, R. J.; Giffin, K.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Nelson, E. A.; Sabin, S. et al.; Spyrou, M. A.; Krause, J.: Paleomicrobiology: Diagnosis and Evolution of Ancient Pathogens. Annual Review of Microbiology 73 (1), pp. 639 - 666 (2019)
Journal Article
Siebke, I.; Steuri, N.; Furtwängler, A.; Ramstein, M.; Arenz, G.; Hafner, A.; Krause, J.; Lösch, S.: Who lived on the Swiss Plateau around 3300 BCE? Analyses of commingled human skeletal remains from the dolmen of Oberbipp. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29 (5), oa.2791, pp. 786 - 796 (2019)
Journal Article
Gretzinger, J.; Molak, M.; Reiter, E.; Pfrengle, S.; Urban, C.; Neukamm, J.; Blant, M.; Conard, N. J.; Cupillard, C.; Dimitrijević, V. et al.; Drucker, D. G.; Hofman-Kamińska, E.; Kowalczyk, R.; Krajcarz, M. T.; Krajcarz, M.; Münzel, S. C.; Peresani, M.; Romandini, M.; Rufí, I.; Soler, J.; Terlato, G.; Krause, J.; Bocherens, H.; Schuenemann, V. J.: Large-scale mitogenomic analysis of the phylogeography of the Late Pleistocene cave bear. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10700 (2019)
Journal Article
Peyrégne, S.; Slon, V.; Mafessoni, F.; De Filippo, C.; Hajdinjak, M.; Nagel, S.; Nickel, B.; Essel, E.; Le Cabec, A.; Wehrberger, K. et al.; Conard, N. J.; Kind, C. J.; Posth, C.; Krause, J.; Abrams, G.; Bonjean, D.; Modica, K. D.; Toussaint, M.; Kelso, J.; Meyer, M.; Pääbo, S.; Prüfer, K.: Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe. Science Advances 5 (6), eaaw5873 (2019)
Journal Article
Keller, M.; Spyrou, M. A.; Scheib, C. L.; Neumann, G.; Kröpelin, A.; Haas-Gebhard, B.; Päffgen, B.; Haberstroh, J.; Lacomba, A. R.; Raynaud, C. et al.; Cessford, C.; Durand, R.; Stadler, P.; Nägele, K.; Bates, J. S.; Trautmann, B.; Inskip, S. A.; Peters, J.; Robb, J. E.; Kivisild, T.; Castex, D.; McCormick, M.; Bos, K. I.; Harbeck, M.; Herbig, A.; Krause, J.: Ancient Yersinia pestis genomes from across Western Europe reveal early diversification during the First Pandemic (541–750). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (25), pp. 12363 - 12372 (2019)
Journal Article
Flegontov, P.; Altınışık, N. E.; Changmai, P.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Adamski, N.; Bolnick, D. A.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Candilio, F.; Culleton, B. J. et al.; Flegontova, O.; Friesen, T. M.; Jeong, C.; Harper, T. K.; Keating, D.; Kennett, D. J.; Kim, A. M.; Lamnidis, T. C.; Lawson, A. M.; Olalde, I.; Oppenheimer, J.; Potter, B. A.; Raff, J.; Sattler, R. A.; Skoglund, P.; Stewardson, K.; Vajda, E. J.; Vasilyev, S.; Veselovskaya, E.; O’Rourke, M. G. H. D. H.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Schiffels, S.: Palaeo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and North America. Nature 570 (7760), s41586-019-1251-y, pp. 236 - 240 (2019)
Journal Article
Jeong, C.; Balanovsky, O.; Lukianova, E.; Kahbatkyzy, N.; Flegontov, P.; Zaporozhchenko, V.; Immel, A.; Wang, C.-C.; Ixan, O.; Khussainova, E. et al.; Bekmanov, B.; Zaibert, V.; Lavryashina, M.; Pocheshkhova, E.; Yusupov, Y.; Agdzhoyan, A.; Koshel, S.; Bukin, A.; Nymadawa, P.; Turdikulova, S.; Dalimova, D.; Churnosov, M.; Skhalyakho, R.; Daragan, D.; Bogunov, Y.; Bogunova, A.; Shtrunov, A.; Dubova, N.; Zhabagin, M.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Churakov, V.; Pislegin, N.; Damba, L.; Saroyants, L.; Dibirova, K.; Atramentova, L.; Utevska, O.; Idrisov, E.; Kamenshchikova, E.; Evseeva, I.; Metspalu, M.; Outram, A. K.; Robbeets, M.; Djansugurova, L.; Balanovska, E.; Schiffels, S.; Haak, W.; Reich, D.; Krause, J.: The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3, pp. 966 - 976 (2019)
Journal Article
Posth, C.; Nägele, K.; Colleran, H.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Gray, R. D.; Krause, J.; Powell, A.: Response to “Ancient DNA and its contribution to understanding the human history of the Pacific Islands” (Bedford et al. 2018). Archaeology in Oceania 54, pp. 57 - 61 (2019)
Journal Article
Villalba-Mouco, V.; Loosdrecht, M. S. v. d.; Posth, C.; Mora, R.; Martínez-Moreno, J.; Rojo-Guerra, M.; Salazar-García, D. C.; Royo-Guillén, J. I.; Kunst, M.; Rougier, H. et al.; Crevecoeur, I.; Arcusa-Magallón, H.; Tejedor-Rodríguez, C.; de Lagrán, I. G.-M.; Garrido-Pena, R.; Alt, K. W.; Jeong, C.; Schiffels, S.; Utrilla, P.; Krause, J.; Haak, W.: Survival of Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer ancestry in the Iberian Peninsula. Current Biology 29 (7), pp. 1169 - 1177 (2019)
Journal Article
Feldman, M.; Fernández-Domínguez, E.; Reynolds, L.; Baird, D.; Pearson, J.; Hershkovitz, I.; May, H.; Goring-Morris, N.; Benz, M.; Gresky, J. et al.; Bianco, R. A.; Fairbairn, A.; Mustafaoğlu, G.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Posth, C.; Haak, W.; Jeong, C.; Krause, J.: Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia. Nature Communications 10, 1218 (2019)
Journal Article
Wißing, C.; Rougier, H.; Baumann, C.; Comeyne, A.; Crevecoeur, I.; Drucker, D. G.; Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S.; Germonpré, M.; Gómez-Olivencia, A.; Krause, J. et al.; Matthies, T.; Naito, Y. I.; Posth, C.; Semal, P.; Street, M.; Bocherens, H.: Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe. Scientific Reports 9, 4433 (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, C.-C.; Reinhold, S.; Kalmykov, A.; Wissgott, A.; Brandt, G.; Jeong, C.; Cheronet, O.; Ferry, M.; Harney, E.; Keating, D. et al.; Mallick, S.; Rohland, N.; Stewardson, K.; Kantorovich, A. R.; Maslov, V. E.; Petrenko, V. G.; Erlikh, V. R.; Atabiev, B. C.; Magomedov, R. G.; Kohl, P. L.; Alt, K. W.; Pichler, S. L.; Gerling, C.; Meller, H.; Vardanyan, B.; Yeganyan, L.; Rezepkin, A. D.; Mariaschk, D.; Berezina, N.; Gresky, J.; Fuchs, K.; Knipper, C.; Schiffels, S.; Balanovska, E.; Balanovsky, O.; Mathieson, I.; Higham, T.; Berezin, Y. B.; Buzhilova, A.; Trifonov, V.; Pinhasi, R.; Belinskij, A. B.; Reich, D.; Hansen, S.; Krause, J.; Haak, W.: Ancient human genome-wide data from a 3000-year interval in the Caucasus corresponds with eco-geographic regions. Nature Communications 10 (1), 590 (2019)
Journal Article
Feldman, M.; Master, D. M.; Bianco, R. A.; Burri Promerová, M.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Mittnik, A.; Aja, A. J.; Jeong, C.; Krause, J.: Ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines. Science Advances 5 (7), eaax0061, pp. 1 - 10 (2019)
Journal Article
Spyrou, M. A.; Bos, K. I.; Herbig, A.; Krause, J.: Ancient pathogen genomics as an emerging tool for infectious disease research. Nature Reviews Genetics 20, pp. 323 - 340 (2019)
Journal Article
Lamnidis, T. C.; Majander, K.; Jeong, C.; Salmela, E.; Wessman, A.; Moiseyev, V.; Khartanovich, V.; Balanovsky, O.; Ongyerth, M.; Weihmann, A. et al.; Sajantila, A.; Kelso, J.; Pääbo, S.; Onkamo, P.; Haak, W.; Krause, J.; Schiffels, S.: Ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of Siberian ancestry in Europe. Nature Communications 9, 5018 (2018)
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