Publications of Carlo Cocozza
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
4 (1), pgae566 (2025)
High-resolution isotopic data link settlement complexification to infant diets within the Roman Empire. PNAS Nexus 2.
Journal Article
19 (6), e0293717 (2024)
Introducing Isotòpia: a stable isotope database for Classical Antiquity. PLOS ONE 3.
Journal Article
IsoMedIta: a stable isotope database for medieval Italy. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, bja10032 (2023)
Journal Article
13 (1), 4078 (2023)
A Bayesian multi-proxy contribution to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural history of late medieval Capitanata (southern Italy). Scientific Reports 5.
Journal Article
9 (1), 354 (2022)
Presenting the Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi, a multi-isotope database for Medieval Europe. Scientific Data 6.
Journal Article
6, s41559-021-01652-4 (2022)
Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7.
Journal Article
36, 107141 (2021)
Tooth formation age dataset for early childhood bioarchaeological and medical studies. Data in Brief 8.
Journal Article
31 (3), oa.2962, pp. 429 - 439 (2021)
Investigating infant feeding strategies at Roman Bainesse through Bayesian modelling of incremental dentine isotopic data. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Data Publication (1)
Data Publication
The North American repository for archaeological isotopes. (2025)