Publications of Nicole Boivin

Book Chapter (28)

Book Chapter
Boivin, N.: From veneration to exploitation: Human engagement with the mineral world. In: Soils, stones and symbols: cultural perceptions of the mineral world, pp. 165 - 186. UCL Press, London (2004)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N.: Geoarchaeology and the goddess Laksmi: Rajasthani insights into geoarchaeological methods and prehistoric soil use. In: Soils, stones and symbols: cultural perceptions of the mineral world, pp. 1 - 30. UCL Press, London (2004)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N.: Mind over matter? Collapsing the mind-matter dichotomy in material culture studies. In: Rethinking materiality: the engagement of mind with the material world, pp. 63 - 71 (Ed. DeMarrais, E.). McDonald Inst. for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2004)
Book Chapter
Fuller, D.; Boivin, N.: Beyond description and diffusion: A history of processual theory in the archaeology of South Asia. In: Archaeology and historiography, Vol. 4, pp. 159 - 190. Manohar, New Delhi (2002)
Book Chapter
Fuller, D.; Boivin, N.: Looking for post-processual theory in South Asian archaeology. In: Archaeology and historiography, Vol. 4, pp. 191 - 215. Manohar, New Delhi (2002)

Conference Report (1)

Conference Report
Boivin, N.; Hampson, J.; Blinkhorn, J.; Korisettar, R.; Petraglia, M. D.: Re-examining rock art studies in India: A case study from Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh. In: Recent research trends in South Asian archaeology, pp. 261 - 278 (Ed. Paddayya, K.). (2009)

Thesis - PhD (4)

Thesis - PhD
Peters, C.: An investigation into the potential of peptide mass fingerprinting for the study of Australian faunal assemblages. Dissertation, 204 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Philosophische Fakultät, Jena (2022)
Thesis - PhD
Wilkin, S.: An investigation into diet and economy in ancient Mongolia through multiple biomolecular datasets. Dissertation, 78 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fakultät für Biowissenschaften [hosting institution] (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Bleasdale, M.: Archaeological, proteomic and isotopic approaches to investigating dietary change in Holocene Africa. Dissertation, 205 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Biosciences, Jena (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Boivin, N. L.: 'Archaeological science as anthropology': time, space and materiality in rural India and the ancient past. Dissertation (2001)

Other (2)

Boivin, N. L.; Täuber, S.; Keller, U.: Nobel win: spotlight on the attrition of women in science, Nature 623, (2023)
Witcher, R.: Editorial, Antiquity 94, pp. 571 - 579 (2020)

Commentary (1)

Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding. (2023), 3 pp.

Data Publication (1)

Data Publication
Billings, T.; Scott, E.; Cocozza, C.; Hixon, S.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.; Spengler III, R. N.; Fernandes, R.: The North American repository for archaeological isotopes. (2025)

Preprint (5)

Cheeseman, M.; Louise-Lambourne, M.; Peters, C.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N. L.; Manne, T.: Food and identity (re)creation in migrant communities: applying Zooms to highly fragmented faunal remains from an historical Queensland gold mining town, Ravenswood. SSRN, 5128410 (2025)
Lambourne, M.-L.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.; Peters, C.; Weisler, M.: Taxonomic identification of Hawaiian bone fishhooks using Zooms: documenting raw material selection and possible ritual use of terrestrial species. SSRN, 4696254 (2024)
Fisher, M. T.; Jurkenas, D.; Jambajantsan, A.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Nasan-Ochir, E.-O.; Gelegdorj, E.; Chuluunbat, M.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N. L.: Multidisciplinary digital methodologies for documentation and preservation of immovable Archaeological heritage in the Khovd River Valley, Western Mongolia. F1000Research 11, 1250 (2022)
Yu, H.; Jamieson, A.; Hulme-Beaman, A.; Conroy, C. J.; Knight, B.; Speller, C.; Al-Jarah, H.; Eager, H.; Trinks, A.; Adikari, G. et al.; Baron, H.; Böhlendorf-Arslan, B.; Bohingamuwa, W.; Crowther, A.; Cucchi, T.; Esser, K.; Fleisher, J.; Gidney, L.; Gladilina, E.; Gol’din, P.; Goodman, S. M.; Hamilton-Dyer, S.; Helm, R.; Hillman, C.; Kallala, N.; Kivikero, H.; Kovács, Z. E.; Karl Kunst, G.; Kyselý, R.; Linderholm, A.; Maraoui-Telmini, B.; Morales-Muñiz, A.; Nabais, M.; O’Connor, T.; Oueslati, T.; Morales, Q.; M., E.; Pasda, K.; Perera, J.; Perera, N.; Radbauer, S.; Ramon, J.; Rannamäe, E.; Sanmartí Grego, J.; Treasure, E.; Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; van der Jagt, I.; Van Neer, W.; Vigne, J.-D.; Walker, T.; Wynne-Jones, S.; Zeiler, J.; Dobney, K.; Boivin, N.; Searle, J. B.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Krause, J.; Larson, G.; Orton, D.: Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history. Nature Communications, 2399 (2022)
Spengler III, R. N.; Peters, C.; Richter, K. K.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Stark, S.; Fernandes, R.; Maksudov, F.; Sirojidin, M.; Husniddin, R.; Wilkin, S. et al.; Schirmer, S.; Ashastina, K.; Begmatov, A.; Frachetti, M.; Hermes, T.; Kidd, F.; Omelchenko, A.; Huber, B.; Boivin, N. L.; Wang, S.; Lurje, P.; von Baeyer, M.; Dal Martello, R.: When did the chicken cross the road: archaeological and molecular evidence for ancient chickens in Central Asia. Research Square, 1340382/v1 (2022)

Blog Post (3)

Blog Post
Boivin, N. L.; Hering, J. G.; Täuber, S.; Keller, U.: How your money is helping subsidise sexism in academia – and what you can do about it. (2023)
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