Publications of Hiba Babiker
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
599 (7883), s41586-021-04008-x, pp. 41 - 46 (2021)
Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines. Nature 2.
Journal Article
13 (5), evab065, pp. 1 - 12 (2021)
The genetic variation of Lactase persistence alleles in Sudan and South Sudan. Genome Biology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
12, 632 (2021)
Ancient proteins provide evidence of dairy consumption in eastern Africa. Nature Communications 4.
Journal Article
13 (8), e1006976 (2017)
Northeast African genomic variation shaped by the continuity of indigenous groups and Eurasian migrations. PLoS Genetics Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Human population history from an East African perspective: the Forgotten Land. In: Current perspectives in Sudanese and Nubian Archaeology: a collection of papers presented at the 2018 Sudan Studies Research Conference, Cambridge, pp. 91 - 116 (Eds. Lemos, R.; Tipper, S.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2021)
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
First steps towards the detection of contact layers in Bangime: a multi-disciplinary, computer-assisted approach. Humanities Commons, 8bbr-6k95 (2020), 27 pp.