Publications of Nicole L. Boivin
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Book Chapter (28)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Frachetti, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018)
Invisible agents of Eastern trade: Foregrounding Island. Southeast Asian agency in pre-modern globalization. In: Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, exchange, and the 'people without history', pp. 205 - 231 (Eds. 202.
Book Chapter
Early connections. In: The Swahili world, 7, 1st ed. Ed., pp. 105 - 120 (Eds. Wynne-Jones, S.; LaViolette, A.). Routledge, London (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.) (2018)
Archaeology and the ‘people without history’. In: Globalization in Prehistory: contact, exchange, and the 'People Without History', pp. 1 - 15 (Ed. 204.
Book Chapter
2, pp. 95 - 126 (Ed. Korisettar, R.). The Mythic Society, Bengaluru (2018)
The emergence of agriculture and pastoralism in the Northern Maidan region of South Deccan, South India. In: Beyond Stones and More Stones, Vol. 205.
Book Chapter
Facing Mecca from Africa: Islam and globalization on the Swahili Coast during the first millennium CE and beyond. In: Connecting continents: archaeology and history in the Indian Ocean World, 3, pp. 68 - 91. Ohio State University Press, Ohio (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Human and human-mediated species dispersals through time: Introduction and overview. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 3 - 26 (Eds. 207.
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Proto-globalisation and biotic exchange in the Old World. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 349 - 408 (Eds. 208.
Book Chapter
East Africa as a source for Fatimid rock crystal. Workshops from Kenya to Madagascar. In: Gemstones in the First Millennium AD: Mines, Trade, Workshops and Symbolism ; International Conference, October 20th - 22nd 2015, RGZM Mainz, pp. 103 - 118 (Eds. Hilgner, A.; Greiff, S.; Quast, D.). Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz (2017)
Book Chapter
Ships of the desert, camels of the ocean. In: Trade in the ancient sahara and beyond, 5, pp. 131 - 155 (Eds. Mattingly, D. J.; Leitch, V.; Duckworth, C. N.; Cuénod, A.; Sterry, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Old World globalization and food exchanges. In: Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, L-Z, pp. 350 - 356 (Ed. Metheny, K. B.) (2015)
Book Chapter
The archaeobiology of Indian Ocean translocations: Current outlines of cultural exchanges by proto-historic seafarers. In: Maritime Contacts of the Past: Deciphering Connections amongst Communities, pp. 1 - 23 (Ed. Tripati, S.). Delta Book World, New Delhi (2015)
Book Chapter
Homo sapiens societies: Southern Asia. In: The Oxford handbook of the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers, pp. 328 - 345 (Ed. Zvelebil, M.). Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford (2014)
Book Chapter
India and Sri Lanka. In: World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization, pp. 482 - 503 (Eds. Hicks, D.; Stevenson, A.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2013)
Book Chapter
Rock art research in India: Historical approaches and recent theoretical directions. In: A companion to rock art, pp. 179 - 196 (Ed. McDonald, J.). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (2012)
Book Chapter
The prehistoric axe factory at Sanganakallu-Kupgal (Bellary District), southern India. In: Stone axe studies III, Chapter 11 (Ed. Clough, T. H.). Oxbow Books, London (2011)
Book Chapter
The malice of inanimate objects: Material agency. In: The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies, pp. 333 - 351 (Ed. Beaudry, M. C.) (2010)
Book Chapter
Indian lithic technology prior to the 74,000 BP Toba super-eruption: Searching for an early modern human signature. In: Upper palaeolithic revolution in global perspective: Essays in honour of Paul Mellars, pp. 73 - 84 (Ed. Boyle, K. V.). McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2010)
Book Chapter
Archaeological, linguistic and historical sources on ancient seafaring: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of early maritime contact and exchange in the Arabian Peninsula. In: The evolution of human populations in Arabia: paleoenvironments, prehistory and genetics, pp. 251 - 278 (2009)
Book Chapter
Anthropological, historical, archaeological and genetic perspectives on the origins of caste in South Asia. In: The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia, pp. 341 - 361 (2007)
Book Chapter
2, pp. 13 - 20 (Ed. Osada, T.) (2007)
Comments on the incised stone axe found in Tamil Nadu in 2006 and the claim that it contains an inscription in the classical Indus script. In: Linguistics, Archaeology and the Human Past, Vol.