Human Palaeosystems Publications

Journal Article (47)

Journal Article
Ben Arous, E.; Blinkhorn, J.; Elliott, S.; Kiahtipes, C. A.; N’zi, C. D.; Bateman, M. D.; Duval, M.; Roberts, P.; Patalano, R.; Blackwood, A. et al.; Niang, K.; Kouamé, E. A.; Lebato, E.; Hallett, E.; Cerasoni, J. N.; Scott, E.; Ilgner, J.; Escarza, A.; Jesús, M.; Guédé, F. Y.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Humans in Africa’s wet tropical forests 150 thousand years ago. Nature, s41586-025-08613-y (2025)
Journal Article
Colucci, M.; Leonardi, M.; Hodgson, J. A.; Stringer, C.; Scerri, E. M. L.: The legacy of Luca Cavalli-Sforza on human evolution. Human Population Genetics and Genomics 5 (1), 0001 (2025)
Journal Article
Boisard, S.; Wren, C. D.; Timbrell, L.; Burke, A.: Climate frameworks for the Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age in Northwest Africa. Quaternary International 716, 109593, pp. 1 - 17 (2025)
Journal Article
Timbrell, L.; Blinkhorn, J.; Grove, M.: Random forest models highlight early Homo sapiens habitats and their relationship to lithic assemblage composition. Quaternary environments and humans 3 (1), 100048 (2024)
Journal Article
Ben Arous, E.; Niang, K.; Blinkhorn, J.; Del Val, M.; Medialdea, A.; Coussot, C.; Alonso Escarza, M.J.; Bateman, M.D.; Churruca Clemente, A.; Blackwood, A. et al.; Iglesias-Cibanal, J.; Saíz, C.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Duval, M.: Constraining the age of the Middle Stone Age locality of Bargny (Senegal) through a combined OSL-ESR dating approach. Quaternary environments and humans 2 (6), 100044, pp. 1 - 8 (2024)
Journal Article
Leonardi, M.; Colucci, M.; Pozzi, A. V.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Manica, A.: tidysdm: leveraging the flexibility of tidymodels for species distribution modelling in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15 (10), 14406, pp. 1789 - 1795 (2024)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. G.; Caruana, M. V.; Bradley, B.; Muir, R. A.; Blackwood, A.; Herries, A. I. R.: An actualistic experimental study of giant quartzite core reduction strategies: implications for large flake blank production and handaxe manufacture at Amanzi Springs, South Africa. Journal of Field Archaeology, 2401284, pp. 1 - 17 (2024)
Journal Article
Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Blinkhorn, J.; Guagnin, M.; Fernandes, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Hatton, A.; Alqahtani, M.; Zalmout, I.; Clark-Wilson, R. et al.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Al-Shanti, M.; Zahrani, B.; Al Omari, A.; Al-Jibreen, F.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: the archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia. PLOS ONE 19 (4), e0299292 (2024)
Journal Article
Wilson, C. G.; Caruana, M. V.; Blackwood, A.; Arnold, L. J.; Herries, A. I.R.: Why large Flakes?: later Acheulian handaxe manufacture at Amanzi Springs, Area 2 (Eastern Cape, South Africa). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 53, 104393, pp. 1 - 15 (2024)
Journal Article
Timbrell, L.: Ecology and demography of early Homo sapiens: a synthesis of archaeological and climatic data from eastern Africa. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 59 (1), 2307790, pp. 76 - 110 (2024)
Journal Article
Will, M.; Scerri, E. M. L.: The generic Middle Stone Age: fact or fiction? Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 59 (1), 2323374, pp. 4 - 21 (2024)
Journal Article
Terray, L.; Stoetzel, E.; Ben Arous, E.; Kageyama, M.; Cornette, R.; Braconnot, P.: Refinement of the environmental and chronological context of the archeological site El Harhoura 2 (Rabat, Morocco) using paleoclimatic simulations. Climate of the Past 19 (6), cp-19-1245-2023, pp. 1245 - 1263 (2023)
Journal Article
Niang, K.; Blinkhorn, J.; Bateman, M. D.; Kiahtipes, C. A.: Longstanding behavioural stability in West Africa extends to the Middle Pleistocene at Bargny, coastal Senegal. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-023-02046-4 (2023)
Journal Article
Buchanan, B.; Hamilton, M. J.; Macdonald, D.; Blinkhorn, J.; Groucutt, H. S.; Eren, M. I.; Kuhn, S. L.: Geometric morphometric analyses of Levallois points from the Levantine Middle Paleolithic do not support functional specialization. Lithic technology 48 (4), 2208930, pp. 437 - 451 (2023)
Journal Article
Pargeter, J.; Brooks, A.; Douze, K.; Eren, M.; Groucutt, H. S.; McNeil, J.; Mackay, A.; Ranhorn, K.; Scerri, E.; Shaw, M. et al.; Tryon, C.; Will, M.; Leplongeon, A.: Replicability in lithic analysis. American antiquity 88 (2), 2023.4, pp. 163 - 186 (2023)
Journal Article
Terray, L.; Stoetzel, E.; Ben Arous, E.; Kageyama, M.; Cornette, R.; Braconnot, P.: Refinement of the environmental and chronological context of the archeological site El Harhoura 2 (Rabat, Morocco) using paleoclimatic simulations. Climate of the past discussions 19 (6), 1245, pp. 1245 - 1263 (2022)
Journal Article
Picin, A.; Wedage, O.; Blinkhorn, J.; Amano, N.; Deraniyagala, S.; Boivin, N.; Roberts, P.; Petraglia, M.: Homo sapiens lithic technology and microlithization in the South Asian rainforest at Kitulgala Beli-lena (c. 45 – 8,000 years ago). PLoS One 17 (10), e0273450 (2022)
Journal Article
Blinkhorn, J.; Timbrell, L.; Grove, M.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Evaluating refugia in recent human evolution in Africa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1849), 20200485, pp. 1 - 15 (2022)
Journal Article
Scerri, E. M. L.; Roberts, P.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Malhi, Y.: Tropical forests in the deep human past. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1849), 2020.0500, pp. 1 - 12 (2022)
Journal Article
Cerasoni, J. N.; do Nascimento Rodrigues, F.; Tang, Y.; Hallett, E.: Do-It-Yourself digital archaeology: introduction and practical applications of photography and photogrammetry for the 2D and 3D representation of small objects and artefacts. PLoS One 17 (4), e0267168 (2022)
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