Publications of Georgios Liakopoulos
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Consilience in practice: social–ecological dynamics of the Lake Volvi region (Greece) during the last two millennia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 3645 (2024)
Journal Article
5 (4), 54, pp. 1 - 24 (2022)
Landscape response to dynamic human pressure in the Paliouras Lagoon, Halkidiki Peninsula, Macedonia, Greece. Quaternary 3.
Journal Article
17 (7), 0271548 (2022)
Mid-late Holocene vegetation history of the Argive Plain (Peloponnese, Greece) as inferred from a pollen record from ancient Lake Lerna. PLoS One Book (1)
The Early Ottoman Peloponnese: a study in the light of an annotated editio princeps of the TT10-1/14662 Ottoman taxation cadastre (ca. 1460-1463). Gingko, London (2019), 649 pp.
Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Izdebski, A.; Haldon, J.; Filipkowski, P.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2022)
The integration of settlers into existing socio-environmental settings: reclaiming the greek lands after the Late Medieval Crisis. In: Perspectives on public policy in societal-environmental crises: what the future needs from history, 20, 1 Ed., pp. 307 - 324 (Eds. Book Review (1)
Book Review
46 (13) (2019)
Liakopoulos, G.C., ‘Πρώιμες αποτυπώσεις της Πελοποννήσου: Βενετικοί χάρτες της Πελοποννήσου τέλη 17ου – αρχές 18ου αιώνα από τη συλλογή του Πολεμικού Αρχείου της Αυστρίας (Αθήνα: ΜΙΕΤ, 2108). Αυγή