Publications of Sean Hixon
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
11 (1), 857 (2024)
Introducing IsoMad, a compilation of isotopic datasets for Madagascar. Scientific Data 2.
Journal Article
694, 2024.05.002, pp. 1 - 12 (2024)
Expedient Bayesian prediction of subfossil bone protein content using portable ATR-FTIR data. Quaternary International 3.
Journal Article
11 (1), 349 (2024)
The Caribbean and Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview (CAMBIO). Scientific Data 4.
Journal Article
54, 104410, pp. 1 - 8 (2024)
Exploring the potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of perennial plants from archaeological sites: a case study of olive pits and grape pips from Early Bronze Age Qedesh in the Galilee. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5.
Journal Article
38 (8), 3555, pp. 1267 - 1278 (2023)
Assessing Pleistocene–Holocene climatic and environmental change in insular Near Oceania using stable isotope analysis of archaeological fauna. Journal of Quaternary Science 6.
Journal Article
97 (395), 2023.123, pp. 1296 - 1312 (2023)
Social networks as risk-mitigation strategies in south-west Madagascar. Antiquity 7.
Journal Article
2, 1080785 (2023)
Late Pleistocene to late Holocene palaeoecology and human foraging at Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar Island. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 8.
Journal Article
12 (1), 18504 (2022)
Cutmarked bone of drought-tolerant extinct megafauna deposited with traces of fire, human foraging, and introduced animals in SW Madagascar. Scientific Reports Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Archaeology of Madagascar. In: Oxford research encyclopedia of African history, 013.795 (Ed. Spear, T.). Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford (2024)
Data Publication (2)
Data Publication
The North American repository for archaeological isotopes. (2025)
Data Publication
Presenting the AfriArch isotopic database. (2022)