Publications of Steven T. Goldstein
All genres
Journal Article (22)
Journal Article
18 (11), e0290423 (2023)
Eurasian back-migration into Northeast Africa was a complex and multifaceted process. PLoS One 2.
Journal Article
32 (12), 09596836221121766, pp. 1373 - 1392 (2022)
Buffering new risks?: environmental, social and economic changes in the Turkana Basin during and after the African Humid Period. The Holocene 3.
Journal Article
20 (1), bja10012, pp. 21 - 39 (2022)
Excavations at the Iron Age village site of Fibobe II, Central Zambia. Journal of African archaeology 4.
Journal Article
280, 107390, pp. 1 - 21 (2022)
Hunter-gatherer technological organization and responses to Holocene climate change in coastal, lakeshore, and grassland ecologies of eastern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 5.
Journal Article
204, 105376, pp. 1 - 14 (2021)
The influence of ancient herders on soil development at Luxmanda, Mbulu Plateau, Tanzania. Catena 6.
Journal Article
38, s10437-021-09440-y, pp. 625 - 655 (2021)
Revisiting Kalundu Mound, Zambia: implications for the timing of social and subsistence transitions in Iron Age Southern Africa. African Archaeological Review 7.
Journal Article
31, s00334-021-00853-y, pp. 279 - 290 (2021)
Variability and preservation biases in the archaeobotanical record of Eleusine coracana (finger millet): evidence from Iron Age Kenya. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 8.
Journal Article
16 (5), e0251061 (2021)
Distinguishing African bovids using Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS): new peptide markers and insights into Iron Age economies in Zambia. PLoS One 9.
Journal Article
61, 101259, pp. 1 - 19 (2021)
Lithic technological organization of the “Elmenteitan” early herders in southern Kenya: implications for mobility, exchange, and climatic resilience. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 10.
Journal Article
12, 632 (2021)
Ancient proteins provide evidence of dairy consumption in eastern Africa. Nature Communications 11.
Journal Article
Field-based sciences must transform in response to COVID-19. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-020-01317-8 (2020)
Journal Article
6 (24), eaaz0183 (2020)
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa. Science Advances 13.
Journal Article
141, 102737, pp. 1 - 25 (2020)
Trajectories of cultural innovation from the Middle to Later Stone Age in Eastern Africa: personal ornaments, bone artifacts, and ocher from Panga ya Saidi, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 14.
Journal Article
36, s10437-019-09347-9, pp. 419 - 438 (2019)
Usable pasts forum: critically engaging food security. African Archaeological Review 15.
Journal Article
365 (6456), pp. 897 - 902 (2019)
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 16.
Journal Article
26 (2), pp. 679 - 713 (2019)
Knowledge transmission through the lens of Lithic Production: a case Study from the Pastoral Neolithic of southern Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 17.
Journal Article
54 (1), pp. 4 - 32 (2019)
The lithic assemblage from Sugenya, a Pastoral Neolithic site of the Elmenteitan tradition in southwestern Kenya. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 18.
Journal Article
561 (7723), s41586-018-0456-9, pp. 387 - 390 (2018)
Ancient herders enriched and restructured African grasslands. Nature 19.
Journal Article
51, pp. 187 - 205 (2018)
Cemeteries on a moving frontier: Mortuary practices and the spread of pastoralism from the Sahara into eastern Africa. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 20.
Journal Article
43 (2), pp. 85 - 101 (2018)
Picking up the pieces: Reconstructing Lithic production strategies at a Late Holocene obsidian quarry in Southern Kenya. Journal of Field Archaeology