Publications of Nils Vanwezer
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
19 (4), e0299292 (2024)
First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: the archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia. PLOS ONE 2.
Journal Article
13 (11), 2848 (2023)
Adaptability of millets and landscapes: ancient cultivation in North-Central Asia. Agronomy 3.
Journal Article
6 (1), 351 (2023)
Permafrost preservation reveals proteomic evidence for yak milk consumption in the 13th century. Communications Biology 4.
Journal Article
13 (8), 139, pp. 1 - 25 (2021)
Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5.
Journal Article
586, 010, pp. 66 - 89 (2021)
Archaeological and environmental cave records in the Gobi-Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Quaternary International 6.
Journal Article
26, 100267, pp. 1 - 15 (2021)
Hunting, herding, and people in the rock art of Mongolia: new discoveries in the Gobi-Altai Mountains. Archaeological Research in Asia 7.
Journal Article
24 (3), 102190 (2021)
Reimagining the relationship between Gondwanan forests and Aboriginal land management in Australia's “Wet Tropics”. iScience 8.
Journal Article
10, 1001 (2020)
Early pastoral economies and herding transitions in Eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports 9.
Journal Article
14 (5), e0216433. (2019)
Heading north: Late Pleistocene environments and human dispersals in central and eastern Asia. PLoS One 10.
Journal Article
Spatial and orientation patterns of experimental stone tool refits. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, pp. 1 - 16 (2018)