Publications of Olivier Morin
All genres
Thesis - PhD (2)
Thesis - PhD
The cultural evolution of coinage as an informational system. Dissertation, 197 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Philosophy [hosting institution], Jena (2021)
Thesis - PhD
The emergence and organization of communicative signals through interaction. Dissertation, 160 pp., Universität Jena, Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften, Jena (2021)
Working Paper (2)
Working Paper
Cultural transmission bias in the spread of voter fraud conspiracy theories on Twitter during the 2020 US election. OSF Preprints, jnvyf (2021), 6 pp.
Working Paper
An overview of the “Color Game” App project. SocArXiv Papers, cjaxw (2020), 33 pp.
Other (4)
Zipf’s Law of Abbreviation holds for individual characters across a broad range of writing systems, Cognition 238, (2023)
Puzzling out graphic codes [Author's Response], Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46, pp. 1 - 21 (2023)
Always get a second augury [Comment], Current Anthropology 61, pp. 113 - 114 (2020)
Homoparentalité: prenons les faits au sérieux, Le, (2011)
Book Review (6)
Book Review
26 (3), pp. 684 - 685 (2020)
Boyer, Pascal. Minds make societies: how cognition explains the world humans create. xii, 359 pp., illus., bibliogr. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 2018. £25.00 (cloth). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 70.
Book Review
60 (3), 603.0493, pp. 498 - 501 (2019)
Cordonier (Laurent), La nature du social. L’apport ignoré des sciences cognitives: Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2018, 384 p., 22 e. [Comment]. Revue française de sociologie 71.
Book Review
20 (1), pp. 122 - 123 (2014)
A review of P. Déléage, Inventer l’Écriture & Le Geste et l’Écriture. Social Anthropology 72.
Book Review
124 (1), pp. 116 - 117 (2013)
Cultures enfantines—Universalité et diversité [Children's culture—universality and diversity]. Edited by Andy Arléo and Julie Delalande. Folklore 73.
Book Review
20 (3), pp. 348 - 349 (2012)
Jones, Graham M. 2011. Trade of the Tricks: Inside the magician's craft. Social Anthropology 74.
Book Review
52 (5), pp. 732 - 733 (2011)
The specificity of human communication eludes semiotic theories. Current Anthropology