Publications from the DogStudies Research Group
MPI GEA Publications
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
233, 112884, pp. 1 - 11 (2025)
Like owner, like dog; a systematic review about similarities in dog-human dyads. Personality and Individual Differences 2.
Journal Article
27 (1), 60, pp. 1 - 12 (2024)
Dogs distinguish authentic human emotions without being empathic. Animal Cognition 3.
Journal Article
39 (6), e70002, pp. 1 - 8 (2024)
Odor-based recognition of canine stress: investigating human olfactory perception. Journal of sensory studies 4.
Journal Article
14 (17), 2509 (2024)
Exploring levels of interspecies interaction: expectations, knowledge, and empathy in human–dog relationships. Animals 5.
Journal Article
"An Aid with Soul": understanding the determinants of guide dog-owner compatibility from qualitative interviews. Animals, 13172751 (2023)
Journal Article
13 (1), 4954 (2023)
Function predicts how people treat their dogs in a global sample. Scientific Reports 7.
Journal Article
260, 105857, pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
What makes a good dog-owner team?: a systematic review about compatibility in personality and attachment. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 8.
Journal Article
55 (1), a000267, pp. 3 - 8 (2023)
Warum die Vergleichende Psychologie auf den Hund gekommen ist. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 9.
Journal Article
17 (12), e0277783 (2022)
Context and prediction matter for the interpretation of social interactions across species. PLoS One Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Why wolves became dogs: interdisciplinary questions on domestication. In: Dogs, past and present: an interdisciplinary perspective, Chapter 2.3, pp. 72 - 82 (Eds. Fiore, I.; Lugli, F.). Archaeopress, Summertown (2023)
Commentary (1)
The dissonance between knowing animals are sentient beings yet eating them: Commentary on Rowan et al. on Sentience Politics (Animal Sentience, 31). (2022), 4 pp.
Blog Post (14)
Blog Post
Help me if you can: here's how humans, chimps, dogs and mice help each other. (2025)
Blog Post
Are social species better off?: Are we stronger together? A new study highlights the advantages of being social. (2024)
Blog Post
Small birds with a big impact: Honeyguides show people the location of bee nests. (2024)
Blog Post
Bumblebees learn from each other: Can insects have a culture? (2024)
Blog Post
The legacy of two great Primatologists: goodbye to Frans de Waal and Christophe Boesch. (2024)
Blog Post
Lemurs: the mysterious primates of Madagascar ; all about lemur cognition. (2024)
Blog Post
Bonobos: the peaceful apes; here's what we can learn from our dark, hairy cousins. (2023)
Blog Post
Why horses are big dogs: there are unexpected similarities between these two species. (2023)
Blog Post
Syntax in monkeys and apes: two calls combined make a new sense. (2023)
Additional Publications
11 (1), 14967 (2021)
Dogs distinguish human intentional and unintentional action. Scientific Reports
11 (1), 3291, pp. 1 - 10 (2021)
Dogs display owner-specific expectations based on olfaction. Scientific Reports
10, 21240 (2020)
Experience has a limited effect on humans’ ability to predict the outcome of social interactions in children, dogs and macaques. Scientific Reports
23, s10071-020-01409-9, pp. 1019 - 1034 (2020)
Effect of shared information and owner behavior on showing in dogs (Canis familiaris). Animal Cognition
134 (2), pp. 211 - 221 (2020)
Dogs (Canis familiaris) and wolves (Canis lupus) coordinate with conspecifics in a social dilemma. Journal of Comparative Psychology
38 (2), s10164-020-00644-4, pp. 223 - 232 (2020)
An attempt to test whether dogs (Canis familiaris) show increased preference towards humans who match their behaviour. Journal of Ethology
9, 16414 (2019)
The ability to recognize dog emotions depends on the cultural milieu in which we grow up. Scientific Reports
46 (4), pp. 398 - 413 (2018)
Metacognition in dogs: Do dogs know they could be wrong? Learning & Behavior
3, 147 (2018)
Fake or not: Two prerequisites for jealousy. Animal sentience: an interdisciplinary journal on animal feeling
132 (2), pp. 189 - 199 (2018)
A ball is not a Kong: Odor representation and search behavior in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) of different education. Journal of Comparative Psychology
14, 7 (2017)
Communicating canine and human emotions: Commentary on Kujala on Canine Emotions. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling
7, 11690 (2017)
The effects of domestication and ontogeny on cognition in dogs and wolves. Scientific Reports