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Hudson, M.: Socio-ecological resilience and language dynamics: An adaptive cycle model of long-term language change. Journal of Language Evolution, lzy008 (2018)
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Robbeets, M.; Bouckaert, R.: Bayesian phylolinguistics reveals the internal structure of the Transeurasian family. Journal of Language Evolution 3 (2), pp. 145 - 162 (2018)
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Spyrou, M. A.; Tukhbatova, R. I.; Wang, C.-C.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Kondrashin, V. V.; Tsybin, V. A.; Khokhlov, A.; Kühnert, D.; Herbig, A. et al.; Bos, K. I.; Krause, J.: Analysis of 3800-year-old Yersinia pestis genomes suggests Bronze Age origin for bubonic plague. Nature Communications 9, 2234 (2018)
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Savelyev, A.: «Начертание...» В. П. Вишневского и язык чувашской письменности в первой половине XIX века1. Ural-Altaic Studies 30, pp. 62 - 81 (2018)
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Yao, H.-B.; Tang, S.; Yao, X.; Yeh, H.; Zhang, W.; Xie, Z.; Du, Q.; Ma, L.; Wei, S.; Gong, X. et al.; Zhang, Z.; Li, Q.; Xu, B.; Zhang, H.-Q.; Chen, G.; Wang, C.-C.: The genetic admixture in Tibetan-Yi Corridor. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164 (3), pp. 522 - 532 (2017)
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Hudson, M.: Global environmental justice and the natural environment in Japanese archaeology. Multidisciplinary studies of the environment and civilization: japanese perspectives, 11, pp. 159 - 181 (2017)
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Robbeets, M.: Transeurasian core structures in Turkic. Turkic Languages 21 (1), pp. 3 - 35 (2017)
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Jeong, C.; Peter, B. M.; Basnyat, B.; Neupane, M.; Beall, C. M.; Childs, G.; Craig, S. R.; Novembre, J.; Di Rienzo, A.: A longitudinal cline characterizes the genetic structure of human populations in the Tibetan plateau. PLoS One 12 (4), 0175885 (2017)
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Yao, X.; Tang, S.; Bian, B.; Wu, X.; Chen, G.; Wang, C.: Improved phylogenetic resolution for Y-chromosome Haplogroup O2a1c-002611. Scientific Reports 7, 1146 (2017)
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Robbeets, M.: The development of finiteness in the Transeurasian languages. Linguistics 55 (3), pp. 489 - 523 (2017)
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Yao, H.-B.; Wang, C.-C.; Wang, J.; Tao, X.; Shang, L.; Wen, S.-Q.; Du, Q.; Deng, Q.; Xu, B.; Huang, Y. et al.; Wang, H.-D.; Li, S.; Cong, B.; Ma, L.; Jin, L.; Krause, J.; Li, H.: Genetic structure of Tibetan populations in Gansu revealed by forensic STR loci. Scientific Reports 7, 41195 (2017)
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Robbeets, M.: Proto-Transeurasian: where and when? Man in India 97 (1), pp. 19 - 46 (2017)
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Robbeets, M.: Austronesian influence and Transeurasian ancestry in Japanese: A case of farming/language dispersal. Language Dynamics and Change 7 (2), pp. 210 - 251 (2017)
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Yao, H.-B.; Wang, C.-C.; Tao, X.; Shang, L.; Wen, S.-Q.; Zhu, B.; Kang, L.; Jin, L.; Li, H.: Genetic evidence for an East Asian origin of Chinese Muslim populations Dongxiang and Hui. Scientific Reports 6, 38656 (2016)
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