Book (9)
Conjuring up prehistory: landscape and the archaic in japanese Nationalism. Archaeopress, Summertown (2021), 90 pp.
The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020), 992 pp.
The prehistoric and ancient worlds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2020), 756 pp.
Multidisciplinary studies of the environment and civilization: japanese perspectives. Routledge, London (2017), 196 pp.
The history of the debate. Routledge, London [u.a.] (2017), 248 pp.
Phonology. Routledge, London [u.a.] (2017), 295 pp.
Morphosyntax. Routledge, London [u.a.] (2017), 307 pp.
Stability and borrowability. Routledge, London [u.a.] (2017), 475 pp.
Language dispersal beyond farming. John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam (2017), 340 pp.
Book Chapter (30)
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
By steppe highway or mountain corridors?: exploring the Archaeolinguistic arguments for the provenance of western Eurasian crops and livestock in Central and East Asia. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 8, pp. 85 - 95 (Eds. 71.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Ancient agriculture borrowings between Sino-Tibetan and Transeurasian Languages. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 5, pp. 41 - 51 (Eds. 72.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Introduction [to Agropastoralism and Languages Across Eurasia]. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 1, pp. 1 - 6 (Eds. 73.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Amuric-Tungusic language contact and the Amuric homeland. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 6, pp. 53 - 69 (Eds. 74.
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Prehistoric interaction between Transeurasian and non-Transeurasian speakers. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 4, pp. 25 - 40 (Eds. 75.
Book Chapter
Dragon divers and clamorous fishermen: Bronzization and transcultural marine spaces in the Japanese archipelago. In: Globalization and transculturality from antiquity to the Pre-Modern World, 5, pp. 103 - 119 (Eds. Autiero, S.; Cobb, M. A.). Routledge, Abington (2021)
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
The classification of the Transeurasian languages. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 3, pp. 31 - 39 (Eds. 77.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
The typological heritage of the Transeurasian languages. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 10, pp. 127 - 144 (Eds. 78.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
A comparative approach of verbal morphology in Transeurasian. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 30, pp. 511 - 521 (Eds. 79.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
Basic vocabulary in the Transeurasian languages. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 36, pp. 645 - 659 (Eds. 80.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
The Transeurasian homeland: where, what and when? In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 44, pp. 772 - 783 (Eds.