tide Publications

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Bos, K. I.; Kühnert, D.; Herbig, A.; Esquivel Gomez, L. R.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Barquera Lozano, R. J.; Giffin, K.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Nelson, E. A.; Sabin, S. et al.; Spyrou, M. A.; Krause, J.: Paleomicrobiology: Diagnosis and Evolution of Ancient Pathogens. Annual Review of Microbiology 73 (1), pp. 639 - 666 (2019)
Journal Article
Vasylyeva, T. I.; du Plessis, L.; Pineda-Peña, A. C.; Kühnert, D.; Lemey, P.; Vandamme, A.-M.; Gomes, P.; Camacho, R. J.; Pybus, O. G.; Abecasis, A. B. et al.; Faria, N. R.: Tracing the impact of Public Health Interventions on HIV-1 transmission in Portugal using Molecular Epidemiology. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 220 (2), 085, pp. 233 - 243 (2019)
Journal Article
Bouckaert, R.; Vaughan, T. G.; Barido-Sottani, J.; Duchêne, S.; Fourment, M.; Gavryushkina, A.; Heled, J.; Jones, G.; Kühnert, D.; De Maio, N. et al.; Matschiner, M.; Mendes, F. K.; Müller, N. F.; Ogilvie, H. A.; du Plessis, L.; Popinga, A.; Rambaut, A.; Rasmussen, D.; Siveroni, I.; Suchard, M. A.; Wu, C.-H.; Xie, D.; Zhang, C.; Stadler, T.; Drummond, A. J.: BEAST 2.5: an advanced software platform for Bayesian evolutionary analysis. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (4), e1006650 (2019)
Journal Article
Dengler Haunreiter, V.; Boumasmoud, M.; Häffner, N.; Wipfli, D.; Leimer, N.; Rachmühl, C.; Kühnert, D.; Achermann, Y.; Zbinden, R.; Benussi, S. et al.; Vulin, C.; Zinkernagel, A. S.: In-host evolution of Staphylococcus epidermidis in a pacemaker-associated endocarditis resulting in increased antibiotic tolerance. Nature Communications 10, 1149 (2019)
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