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Forschungspreis würdigt langjährige Arbeit in Jena (Research prize honors many years of work in Jena)
The Thuringian Research Prizes have been awarded for scientific excellence since 1995. This year, one prize went to the University of Jena and another to the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology in Jena. Audio in German. more
Wissenschaftler befürchten politischen Rechtsruck
An open society and a strong democracy - that is what the leading science organizations are calling for. According to a statement, the challenges of our time require a diversity of talents. Video from MDR in German. more
arte 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles: Lieben Hunde uns wirklich?
Anyone who has a dog is convinced that the relationship between dog and human is something unique. A close bond, unshakeable, perhaps even love. Dogs are the most popular pets worldwide. But why does the relationship between humans and dogs feel so special? Do dogs really love us? And if so, why? (Audio in German) more
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