
Podcast: ”Networking with plants in the Anthropocene“
Podcast: “Networking with plants in the Anthropocene”. Interview with Prof. Patrícia Vieira from the MPI-GEA project RESILIENT: Forest Cities - Utopia and Development in the Modern Amazon. more
A Brief History of Bling
From the Leakey Foundation’s “Origin Stories”  Podcast: Travel through 50,000 years of human history following clues hidden inside beads made from ostrich eggshells. In this episode, researchers Jennifer Miller and Yiming Wang share how these tiny artifacts reveal a sweeping story of ancient social networks, cultural connections, and human adaptability. more
Beginnt ein neues Erdzeitalter? Spurensuche an einem kanadischen See
Deutschlandfunk Kultur podcast episode with Jürgen Renn (audio in German) more
„Ach-Mensch“: Muss die Wissenschaft die Erde retten, Jürgen Renn?
How political should science be? A conversation with Jürgen Renn about research into the Anthropocene and responsibility in the climate crisis. (Audio in German) more
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