Publications of Patrick Roberts
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Journal Article (177)
Journal Article
Parallel scaling of elite wealth in ancient Roman and modern cities with implications for understanding urban inequality. Nature cities, s44284-025-00213-1 (2025)
Journal Article
Humans in Africa’s wet tropical forests 150 thousand years ago. Nature, s41586-025-08613-y (2025)
Journal Article
353, 109200 (2025)
A critical review of Late Pleistocene human-megafaunal interactions in Mexico. Quaternary Science Reviews 4.
Journal Article
Long-term human influence on the demography and genetic diversity of the hyperdominant Bertholletia excelsa in the Amazon Basin. Current Biology, 023 (2025)
Journal Article
6 (1), s43247-024-01919-1 (2025)
Homo erectus adapted to steppe-desert climate extremes one million years ago. Communications Earth & Environment 6.
Journal Article
3, 1458040 (2024)
Spatial palaeoecology of large-herbivore hominin prey-species at Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany: multi-isotope analysis of sequentially-sampled tooth enamel from Rangifer tarandus and Equus sp. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 7.
Journal Article
Stable isotope evidence for pre-colonial maize agriculture and animal management in the Bolivian Amazon. Nature Human Behaviour, s41562-024-02070-9 (2024)
Journal Article
Exploring tropical forest aboveground carbon dynamics via modelled landscapes of varied food production, past and present. Plants, people, planet, 10608 (2024)
Journal Article
14 (1), 27278 (2024)
Unveiling ancient Jerusalem’s pastoral dynamics (7th to 2nd centuries BCE) with multi-isotope analysis. Scientific Reports 10.
Journal Article
14 (1), 26693 (2024)
Early Sri Lankan coastal site tracks technological change and estuarine resource exploitation over the last ca. 25,000 years. Scientific Reports 11.
Journal Article
12, 1470577 (2024)
Addressing the Anthropocene from the Global South: integrating paleoecology, archaeology and traditional knowledge for COP engagement. Frontiers in Earth Science 12.
Journal Article
16 (9), 141, pp. 1 - 22 (2024)
To waste or not to waste: a multi-proxy analysis of human-waste interaction and rural waste management in Indus Era Gujarat. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13.
Journal Article
Cultivating Wheat in the Philippines, ca. 1600–1800 CE: why a Grain Was Not Adopted by Local Populations. International journal of historical archaeology, s10761-024-00753-7 (2024)
Journal Article
98 (400), 83, pp. 885 - 904 (2024)
Human dispersal and plant processing in the Pacific 55,000–50,000 years ago. Antiquity 15.
Journal Article
98 (400), 91, pp. 973 - 990 (2024)
Unveiling Bishop Teodomiro of Iria Flavia?: an attempt to identify the discoverer of St James's tomb through osteological and biomolecular analyses (Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain). Antiquity 16.
Journal Article
16 (8), 127 (2024)
Reconstructing dietary practices at Tell Kamid el-Loz (Lebanon) during the Bronze and Iron Age III / Persian to Hellenistic periods using plant micro-remains from dental calculus and stable isotope analysis of bone collagen. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 17.
Journal Article
11 (1), 839 (2024)
Colonial policy, ecological transformations, and agricultural “improvement”: comparing agricultural yields and expansion in the Spanish and U.S. Philippines, 1870–1925 CE. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 18.
Journal Article
630, s41586-024-07509-7, pp. 912 - 919 (2024)
Ancient genomes reveal insights into ritual life at Chichén Itzá. Nature 19.
Journal Article
694, 2024.05.002, pp. 1 - 12 (2024)
Expedient Bayesian prediction of subfossil bone protein content using portable ATR-FTIR data. Quaternary International 20.
Journal Article
41 (2), s10437-024-09579-4, pp. 271 - 291 (2024)
Isotopic evidence for socio-economic dynamics within the capital of the Kingdom of Alwa, Sudan. African Archaeological Review