Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Robert N. Spengler III

Journal Article (59)

Journal Article
Mir-Makhamad, B.; Larsen, T.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Spengler III, R. N.; Wang, Y.: Bile acids as biomarkers in carbonized archaeological sediment: Insights from dung burning experiments. PLOS ONE 20 (2), e0312699, pp. 1 - 18 (2025)
Journal Article
Mir Makhamad, B.; Bjorn, R.; Boxleitner, K.; Spengler III, R. N.: The Cotton Road: the history of an exchange commodity in Central Asia. Inner Asia 26 (2), 02602002, pp. 193 - 230 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, K.; Qin, X.; Plunkett, G.; Presslee, S.; Spengler, R.; Xu, B.; Wu, Y.; Tian, X.; Wei, D.; Wang, C. et al.; Shao, H.; Mu, G.; Jia, H.; Li, W.; Feng, J.; Liu, J.: Multi-proxy investigations of Bronze Age diet and environment in the hyper-arid eastern Tarim Basin (Lop Nur), northwest China. Journal of Archaeological Science 171, 106089, pp. 1 - 10 (2024)
Journal Article
Antonosyan, M.; Roberts, P.; Aspaturyan, N.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Lucas, M.; Boxleitner, K.; Jabbour, F.; Hovhannisyan, A.; Cieślik, A.; Sahakyan, L. et al.; Avagyan, A.; Spengler, R.; Kandel, A. W.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Amano, N.: Multiproxy evidence for environmental stability in the lesser caucasus during the late pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 330, 108559, pp. 1 - 22 (2024)
Journal Article
Peters, C.; Richter, K. K.; Wilkin, S.; Stark, S.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Fernandes, R.; Maksudov, F.; Mirzaakhmedov, S.; Rahmonov, H.; Schirmer, S. et al.; Ashastina, K.; Begmatov, A.; Frachetti, M.; Kurbanov, S.; Shenkar, M.; Hermes, T.; Kidd, F.; Omelchenko, A.; Huber, B.; Boivin, N. L.; Wang, S.; Lurje, P.; von Baeyer, M.; Dal Martello, R.; Spengler III, R. N.: Archaeological and molecular evidence for ancient chickens in Central Asia. Nature Communications 15, 2697 (2024)
Journal Article
Mir-Makhamad, B.; Lurje, P.; Parshuto, V.; Pulotov, A.; Aminov, F.; Shenkar, M.; Saidov, M.; Semenov, N.; Kurbanov, S.; Mirzaakhmedov, S. et al.; Rakhmanov, K.; Dal Martello, R.; Spengler III, R. N.: Agriculture along the upper part of the Middle Zarafshan River during the first millennium AD: a multi-site archaeobotanical analysis. PLOS ONE 19 (3), e0297896 (2024)
Journal Article
Orfanou, E.; Zach, B.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Schneider, F. N.; Paust, E.; Lucas, M.; Hermes, T.; Ilgner, J.; Scott, E.; Ettel, P. et al.; Haak, W.; Spengler, R.; Roberts, P.: Biomolecular evidence for changing millet reliance in Late Bronze Age central Germany. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4382 (2024)
Journal Article
Fuks, D.; Schmidt, F.; García-Collado, M. I.; Besseiche, M.; Payne, N.; Bosi, G.; Bouchaud, C.; Castiglioni, E.; Dabrowski, V.; Frumin, S. et al.; Fuller, D. Q.; Hovsepyan, R.; Muthukumaran, S.; Peña-Chocarro, L.; Jordá, G. P.; Ros, J.; Rottoli, M.; Ryan, P.; Spengler, R.; Stevens, C. J.; Valamoti, S. M.; Weiss, E.; Alexander, M.; Gros-Balthazard, M.: Orphan crops of archaeology-based crop history research. Plants, people, planet, 3.10468 (2024)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Wilkin, S.; Smithers, R.; Larson, K.; Spengler, R.; Haruda, A.; Kradin, N.; Bazarov, B.; Miyagashev, D.; Odbaatar, T. et al.; Turbat, T.; Zhambaltarova, E.; Konovalov, P.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Hein, A.; Hommel, P.; Nash, B.; Nayak, A.; Vanwezer, N.; Miller, B. K.; Fernandes, R.; Boivin, N.; Roberts, P.: Adaptability of millets and landscapes: ancient cultivation in North-Central Asia. Agronomy 13 (11), 2848 (2023)
Journal Article
Huber, B.; Hammann, S.; Loeben, C. E.; Jha, D.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Larsen, T.; Spengler III, R. N.; Fuller, D. Q.; Roberts, P.; Devièse, T. et al.; Boivin, N. L.: Biomolecular characterization of 3500-year-old ancient Egyptian mummification balms from the Valley of the Kings. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 12477 (2023)
Journal Article
Mir Makhamad, B.; Stark, S.; Mirzaakhmedov, S.; Rahmonov, H.; Spengler III, R. N.: Food globalization in southern Central Asia: archaeobotany at Bukhara between antiquity and the Middle Ages. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15 (8), 124, pp. 1 - 18 (2023)
Journal Article
Chang, C.; Ivanov, S. S.; Spengler III, R. N.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Tourtellotte, P. A.: Montane Ecoclines in Ancient Central Asia: a preliminary study of Agropastoral Economies in Juuku, Kyrgyzstan. Land 12 (7), 1406 (2023)
Journal Article
Shnaider, S.; Zhilich, S. V.; Zotkina, L. V.; Boxleitner, K.; Taylor, W. T.T.; Sayfullaev, N.; Koval, V. V.; Baranova, S. V.; Chernonosov, A. A.; Kutnyakova, L. A. et al.; Tonasso-Calvière, L.; Orlando, L.; Spengler, R.: Occupation of highland Central Asia: new evidence from Kurteke rockshelter, Eastern Pamir. Archaeological Research in Asia 34, 100443, pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
Journal Article
Spengler III, R. N.; Kienast, F.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Begun, D. R.; Ashastina, K.; Petraglia, M.: Bearing fruit: Miocene Apes and Rosaceous Fruit evolution. Biological theory 18 (2), s13752-022-00413-1, pp. 134 - 151 (2023)
Journal Article
Mir-Makhamad, B.; Spengler, R. N.: Testing the applicability of Watson’s Green Revolution concept in first millennium ce Central Asia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, s00334-023-00924-2 (2023)
Journal Article
Tang, L.; Wilkin, S.; Richter, K. K.; Bleasdale, M.; Fernandes, R.; He, Y.; Li, S.; Petraglia, M.; Scott, A.; Teoh, F. K. Y. et al.; Tong, Y.; Tsering, T.; Tsho, Y.; Xi, L.; Yang, F.; Yuan, H.; Chen, Z.; Roberts, P.; He, W.; Spengler III, R. N.; Lu, H.; Wangdue, S.; Boivin, N.: Paleoproteomic evidence reveals dairying supported prehistoric occupation of the highland Tibetan Plateau. Science Advances 9 (15), eadf0345 (2023)
Journal Article
Dal Martello, R.; von Baeyer, M.; Hudson, M.; Bjorn, R.; Leipe, C.; Zach, B.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Billings, T.; Muñoz Fernández, I. M.; Huber, B. et al.; Boxleitner, K.; Lu, J.-C.; Chi, K.-A.; Liu, H.-L.; Kistler, L.; Spengler III, R. N.: The domestication and dispersal of large-fruiting Prunus spp.: a metadata analysis of archaeobotanical material. Agronomy 13 (4), 1027 (2023)
Journal Article
Sasaki, Y.; Rakhimzhanova, S.; Onggaruly, A.; Kairmagambetov, A.; Endo, E.; Dupuy, P. D.; Makulbekova, M.; Spengler III, R. N.; Shoda, S.: Батыс Қазақстандағы Төртоба обасынан табылған ерте темір дәуірі қыш ыдысындағы тарының ізі. K̜azak̜stan arheologijasy 18 (4), akz2022. , pp. 116 - 132 (2022)
Journal Article
Spengler III, R. N.: Insularity and early domestication: anthropogenic ecosystems as habitat islands. Oikos 2022 (12), e09549, pp. 1 - 14 (2022)
Journal Article
Tang, L.; Lu, H.; Chen, X.; Xu, H.; Boivin, N.; Storozum, M.; Yang, F.; Li, S.; Liu, X.; Spengler, R. N.: Prehistoric agricultural decision making in the western Himalayas: ecological and social variables. Antiquity 96 (389), 2022.80, pp. 1214 - 1231 (2022)
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