Publications of Michael D. Petraglia
All genres
Book Chapter (46)
Book Chapter
Petraglia, M. D.; Korisettar, R.). Routledge, London [u.a.] (1998)
The Lower Paleolithic of India and its bearing on the Asian record. In: Early human behaviour in global context: the rise and diversity of the Lower Paleolithic record, pp. 343 - 390 (Eds. 242.
Book Chapter
Processus de formation du gisement. In: Les derniers chasseurs de rennes du monde pyrénéen: l'abri Dufaure: un gisement tardiglaciaire en Gascogne (fouilles 1980 - 1984), pp. 57 - 73 (Ed. Straus, L.). Paris (1995)
Book Chapter
Remontages. In: Les derniers chasseurs de rennes du monde pyrénéen: l'abri Dufaure: un gisement tardiglaciaire en Gascogne (fouilles 1980 - 1984), pp. 137 - 145 (Ed. Straus, L.). Paris (1995)
Book Chapter
Formation processes of Acheulean localities in the Hunsgi and Baichbal Valleys, Peninsular India. In: Formation processes in archaeological context, pp. 61 - 82 (Ed. Goldberg, P.). Prehistory Press, Madison, Wis. (1993)
Book Chapter
The genesis and alteration of Archaeological patterns at the Abri Dufaure. In: Formation processes in archaeological context, pp. 97 - 122 (Ed. Goldberg, P.). Prehistory Press, Madison, Wis. (1993)
Book Chapter
Deux "mortiers" du paléolithique supérieur de La Madeleine, Dordogne, France. In: L’Anthropologie, pp. 209 - 212. Paris (1992)
Book Chapter
Analyses techniques de deux mortiers du paléolithique supérieur de la Madeleine, Dordogne, France. In: L’Anthropologie, pp. 674 - 682. Paris (1992)
Book Chapter
Natural formation processes and the archaeological record: present problems and future requisites. In: Natural formation processes and the archaeological record, pp. 186 - 204 (Ed. Nash, D. T.). B.A.R., Oxford (1987)
Book Chapter
The impact of fluvial processes on experimental sites. In: Natural formation processes and the archaeological record, pp. 108 - 130 (Ed. Nash, D. T.). B.A.R., Oxford (1987)
Conference Report (1)
Conference Report
Re-examining rock art studies in India: A case study from Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh. In: Recent research trends in South Asian archaeology, pp. 261 - 278 (Ed. Paddayya, K.). (2009)
Thesis - PhD (2)
Thesis - PhD
New investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene rainforest Prehistory of Sri Lanka. Dissertation, 244 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Philosophische Fakultät, Jena (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Site formation processes at the Abri Dufaure: A study of Upper Paleolithic rocksheiter and hillslope deposits in southwestern France. Dissertation, 385 pp., The University of New Mexico, Mexica (1987)
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
The Old World Paleolithic and the development of a national collection. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, Band 48 (2004), 161 pp.
Other (1)
Reply to: ‘No direct evidence for the presence of Nubian Levallois technology and its association with Neanderthals at Shukbah Cave’, Scientific Reports 12, (2022)