Publications of Tao Li
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
22, 100177, pp. 1 - 21 (2020)
Millet agriculture dispersed from Northeast China to the Russian Far East: integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Archaeological Research in Asia 2.
Journal Article
11, 2700 (2020)
Ancient genomes from northern China suggest links between subsistence changes and human migration. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
2, e5, pp. 1 - 20 (2020)
Tracing population movements in ancient East Asia through the linguistics and archaeology of textile production [Review]. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4.
Journal Article
01, pp. 22 - 31 (2019)
红山文化无底筒形器的“专业化”生产问题. 北方文物 5.
Journal Article
4 (1), pp. 1 - 11 (2018)
Identifying sources of fibre in Chinese handmade papers by phytoliths: A methodological exploration. Science and Technology of Archaeological Research: STAR 6.
Journal Article
37 (1), pp. 33 - 41 (2018)
Temporal change of fiber raw materials used in ancient Chinese papermaking and its implications. Zhong guo zao zhi / China Pulp and Paper 7.
Journal Article
47, pp. 50 - 71 (2017)
Hongshan households and communities in Neolithic northeastern China. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 8.
Journal Article
37 (1), pp. 33 - 41 (2017)
Temporal change of fiber sources used in ancient Chinese papermaking and its implications. Chung-kuo Tsao Chih/China Pulp and Paper 9.
Journal Article
4, 42 (2016)
Hexi painting on Xitian Fanjing, a Qing imperial Buddhist temple in Beijing, China: technology revealed by analytical approaches (an initial report). Heritage Science