Publications of Alexander Savelyev
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
2, e16, pp. 1 - 19 (2020)
Populations dynamics in Northern Eurasian forests: a long-term perspective from Northeast Asia. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2.
Journal Article
2, e20, pp. 1 - 17 (2020)
Early nomads of the Eastern Steppe and their tentative connections in the West. Evolutionary Human Sciences 3.
Journal Article
5 (1), lzz010, pp. 39 - 53 (2020)
Bayesian phylolinguistics infers the internal structure and the time-depth of the Turkic language family. Journal of Language Evolution 4.
Journal Article
30, pp. 62 - 81 (2018)
«Начертание...» В. П. Вишневского и язык чувашской письменности в первой половине XIX века1. Ural-Altaic Studies Book (2)
The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020), 992 pp.
Language dispersal beyond farming. John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam (2017), 340 pp.
Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
The homelands of the individual Transeurasian proto-languages. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 43, pp. 753 - 771 (Eds. 8.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
Introduction [to "The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages"]. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 1, pp. 1 - 3 (Eds. 9.
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). John Benjamins Publishing, Philadelphia (2017)
Farming-related terms in Proto-Turkic and Proto-Altaic. In: Language dispersal beyond farming, pp. 123 - 154 (Eds.