Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Alexander Savelyev

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Uchiyama, J.; Gillam, J. C.; Savelyev, A.; Ning, C.: Populations dynamics in Northern Eurasian forests: a long-term perspective from Northeast Asia. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e16, pp. 1 - 19 (2020)
Journal Article
Savelyev, A.; Jeong, C.: Early nomads of the Eastern Steppe and their tentative connections in the West. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e20, pp. 1 - 17 (2020)
Journal Article
Savelyev, A.; Robbeets, M.: Bayesian phylolinguistics infers the internal structure and the time-depth of the Turkic language family. Journal of Language Evolution 5 (1), lzz010, pp. 39 - 53 (2020)
Journal Article
Savelyev, A.: «Начертание...» В. П. Вишневского и язык чувашской письменности в первой половине XIX века1. Ural-Altaic Studies 30, pp. 62 - 81 (2018)

Book (2)

Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A. (Eds.): The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020), 992 pp.
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.: Language dispersal beyond farming. John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam (2017), 340 pp.

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Janhunen, J.; Savelyev, A.; Korovina, E.: The homelands of the individual Transeurasian proto-languages. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 43, pp. 753 - 771 (Eds. Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.: Introduction [to "The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages"]. In: The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages, 1, pp. 1 - 3 (Eds. Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)
Book Chapter
Savelyev, A.: Farming-related terms in Proto-Turkic and Proto-Altaic. In: Language dispersal beyond farming, pp. 123 - 154 (Eds. Robbeets, M.; Savelyev, A.). John Benjamins Publishing, Philadelphia (2017)
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