Publications of Nick Drake
All genres
Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
17 (10), e0273984 (2022)
Paleolithic occupation of arid Central Asia in the Middle Pleistocene. PLoS One 2.
Journal Article
276, 107318, pp. 1 - 20 (2022)
Sedimentary and geomorphic evidence of Saharan megalakes: a synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews 3.
Journal Article
Holocene resource exploitation along the Nile: diet and subsistence strategies of Mesolithic and Neolithic societies at Khor Shambat 1, Sudan. Antiquity, 141 (2021)
Journal Article
597 (7876), s41586-021-03863-y, pp. 376 - 380 (2021)
Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years. Nature 5.
Journal Article
11 (1), 10111 (2021)
The expansion of Acheulean hominins into the Nefud Desert of Arabia. Scientific Reports 6.
Journal Article
554, 116645, pp. 1 - 12 (2021)
Three North African dust source areas and their geochemical fingerprint. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 7.
Journal Article
6 (38), eaba8940 (2020)
Human footprints provide snapshot of last interglacial ecology in the Arabian interior. Science Advances 8.
Journal Article
95, 6, pp. 1 - 22 (2020)
A taxonomic and taphonomic study of Pleistocene fossil deposits from the western Nefud Desert, Saudi Arabia. Quaternary Research 9.
Journal Article
218, pp. 228 - 253 (2019)
Taphonomic and zooarchaeological investigations at the middle Pleistocene site of Ti's al Ghadah, western Nefud Desert, Saudi Arabia. Quaternary Science Reviews 10.
Journal Article
8, 17165 (2018)
The expansion of later Acheulean hominins into the Arabian Peninsula. Scientific Reports 11.
Journal Article
92 (365), pp. 1180 - 1194 (2018)
Neolithic pastoralism in marginal environments during the Holocene Humid Period, northern Saudi Arabia. Antiquity 12.
Journal Article
2, pp. 800 - 809 (2018)
Homo sapiens in Arabia by 85,000 years ago. Nature Ecology & Evolution 13.
Journal Article
27, pp. 116 - 139 (2016)
Palaeodeserts Project: Nefud Fieldwork Report, 2016. Atlal: the journal of Saudi Arabian archaeology