Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Patrick Faulkner

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Kotarba-Morley, A. M.; Kourampas, N.; Morley, M. W.; MacAdams, C.; Crowther, A.; Faulkner, P.; Horton, M.; Boivin, N. L.: Coastal landscape changes at Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar: contextualizing the archaeology of an early Islamic port of trade. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 19 (1), 2030441, pp. 57 - 91 (2024)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Sarathi, A.; Crowther, A.; Smith, T.; Harris, M.; Ali, A. K.; Haji, O.; LaViolette, A.; Norman, N. L.; Horton, M. et al.; Boivin, N.: Human-ecodynamics and the intertidal zones of the Zanzibar Archipelago. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 982694 (2022)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Miller, J. M.; Morales Quintana, E. M.; Crowther, A.; Shipton, C.; Ndiema, E.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.: 67,000 years of coastal engagement at Panga ya Saidi, eastern Africa. PLoS One 16 (8), e0256761 (2021)
Journal Article
Martinón-Torres, M.; d’Errico, F.; Santos, E.; Álvaro Gallo, A.; Amano, N.; Archer, W.; Armitage, S. J.; Arsuaga, J. L.; de Castro, B.; María, J. et al.; Blinkhorn, J.; Crowther, A.; Douka, K.; Dubernet, S.; Faulkner, P.; Fernández-Colón, P.; Kourampas, N.; González García, J.; Larreina, D.; Le Bourdonnec, F.-X.; MacLeod, G.; Martín-Francés, L.; Massilani, D.; Mercader, J.; Miller, J. M.; Ndiema, E.; Notario, B.; Pitarch Martí, A.; Prendergast, M. E.; Queffelec, A.; Rigaud, S.; Roberts, P.; Shoaee, M. J.; Shipton, C.; Simpson, I.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.: Earliest known human burial in Africa. Nature 593 (7857), pp. 95 - 100 (2021)
Journal Article
Wedage, O.; Roberts, P.; Faulkner, P.; Crowther, A.; Douka, K.; Picin, A.; Blinkhorn, J.; Deraniyagala, S.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. et al.; Amano, N.: Late pleistocene to early-Holocene rainforest foraging in Sri Lanka: multidisciplinary analysis at Kitulgala Beli-lena. Quaternary Science Reviews 231, 106200, pp. 1 - 19 (2020)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Crowther, A.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Towards a historical ecology of intertidal foraging in the Mafia Archipelago: archaeomalacology and implications for marine resource management. Journal of Ethnobiology 39 (2), pp. 182 - 203 (2019)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Ali, A. K.; Crowther, A.; Shipton, C.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Long-term trends in terrestrial and marine invertebrate exploitation on the eastern African coast: Insights from Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 14 (4), pp. 478 - 514 (2019)
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