Publications of Elizabeth A. Sawchuk
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
6 (24), eaaz0183 (2020)
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa. Science Advances 2.
Journal Article
537, 109438, pp. 1 - 18 (2020)
Late Pleistocene to Holocene human palaeoecology in the tropical environments of coastal eastern Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 3.
Journal Article
14 (11), 0225143, pp. 1 - 19 (2019)
Ostrich eggshell bead diameter in the Holocene: regional variation with the spread of herding in eastern and southern Africa. PLoS One 4.
Journal Article
11, s12520-019-00914-4, pp. 6221 - 6241 (2019)
The bioarchaeology of mid-Holocene pastoralist cemeteries west of Lake Turkana, Kenya. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5.
Journal Article
115 (36), pp. 8942 - 8947 (2018)
A monumental cemetery built by eastern Africa’s first herders near Lake Turkana, Kenya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Book Review (1)
Book Review
37, pp. 319 - 321 (2020)
M. C. Gatto, D. J. Mattingly, N. Ray, and M. M. Sterry (Eds.): Burials, Migration, and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond. African Archaeological Review