Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Aymeric Hermann

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Hermann, A.; Forkel, R.; McAlister, A.; Cruickshank, A.; Golitko, M.; Kneebone, B.; McCoy, M.; Reepmeyer, C.; Sheppard, P.; Sinton, J. et al.; Weisler, M.: Pofatu, a curated and open-access database for geochemical sourcing of archaeological materials. Scientific Data 7 (1), 141 (2020)
Journal Article
Rurua, V. A.; Béarez, P.; Hermann, A.; Conte, E.: Length and weight reconstruction of Chlorurus microrhinos (Scaridae) from isolated cranial bones and vertebrae. Cybium: International Journal of Ichthyology 44 (1), pp. 61 - 68 (2020)
Journal Article
Hermann, A.; Walworth, M.: Approche interdisciplinaire des échanges interculturels et de l’intégration des communautés polynésiennes dans le centre du Vanuatu. Journal de la société des océanistes 151, 11963, pp. 239 - 262 (2020)
Journal Article
Molle, G.; Hermann, A.; Lagarde, L.; Stoll, B.: The long-term history of Teti'aroa (Society Islands, French Polynesia): new archaeological and ethnohistorical investigations. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 10 (2), 282, pp. 55 - 62 (2019)
Journal Article
Hermann, A.; Molle, G.; Maury, R.; Liotzou, C.; McAllistor, A.: Geochemical sourcing of volcanic materials imported into Teti'aroa Atoll shows multiple long-distance interactions in the Windward Society Islands, French Polynesia. Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3), arco.5187, pp. 184 - 199 (2019)

Book (1)

Hermann, A.; Valentin, F.; Sand, C.; Nolet, E. (Eds.): Networks and monumentality in the Pacific. Archaeopress, Oxford (2020), 104 pp.

Book Chapter (4)

Book Chapter
Hermann, A.: Herminettes océaniennes: Oceanian Adzes. In: Encyclopédie des historiographies: Afriques, Amériques, Asies; sources et genres historiques [Vol. 1], Vol. 1, 24859, pp. 718 - 722 (Eds. Kouamé, N.; Meyer, É. P.; Viguier, A.). Presses de l’Inalco, Paris (2020)
Book Chapter
Hermann, A.; Sand, C.: Introduction [to Networks and monumentality in the Pacific]. In: Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific, pp. 1 - 4 (Eds. Hermann, A.; Valentin, F.; Sand, C.; Nolet, E.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2020)
Book Chapter
Molle, G.; Hermann, A.: Pitcairn before the mutineers: Revisiting the isolation of a Polynesian Island. In: The Bounty from the beach: Cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary essays, pp. 67 - 94 (Ed. Largeaud-Ortega, S.). ANU Press, Canberra (2018)
Book Chapter
Hermann, A.: Archéologie de Tupua'i: bilan des travaux et perspectives de recherche. In: Bilan de la recherche archéologique en Polynésie française: 2003-2004, pp. 331 - 344 (Ed. Marchesi, H.). Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Culture et du Patrimoine de Polynésie française, Tahiti (2005)
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