Publications of Pauline Hanot
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
21 (1), 178 (2021)
Cranial shape diversification in horses: variation and covariation patterns under the impact of artificial selection. BMC Ecology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
121, 105200, pp. 1 - 12 (2020)
Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric. Journal of Archaeological Science 3.
Journal Article
19, 188 (2019) (2019)
Unravelling the hybrid vigor in domestic equids: the effect of hybridization on bone shape variation and covariation. BMC Evolutionary Biology Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Les restes de grands vertébrés du Néolithique final aux âges du Bronze ancien et moyen. In: Une maison sous les dunes: beg ar loued, Île Molène, Finistère, 29, pp. 567 - 583 (Eds. Pailler, Y.; Nicolas, C.). Sidestone Press, Leiden (2019)
Book Review (1)
Book Review
22 (4), pp. 595 - 598 (2019)
Peter Mitchell. The Donkey in Human History: An Archaeological Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 306 pp., 133 illustr., 32 in colour, 6 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-0-19-874923-3). European Journal of Archaeology Preprint (1)
Étude en morphométrie géométrique 3D de la morphologie vertébrale des couleuvres actuelles et passées Archipel de la Guadeloupe (Antilles françaises). HAL Open Archive, hal-04096388 (2023)