Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Jacopo Niccolò Cerasoni

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Cerasoni, J. N.; Hallett, E.; Orijemie, E. A.; Ashastina, K.; Lucas, M.; Farr, L.; Höhn, A.; Kiahtipes, C. A.; Blinkhorn, J.; Roberts, P. et al.; Manica, A.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Human interactions with tropical environments over the last 14,000 years at Iho Eleru, Nigeria. iScience 26 (3), 106153 (2023)
Journal Article
Cerasoni, J. N.; do Nascimento Rodrigues, F.; Tang, Y.; Hallett, E.: Do-It-Yourself digital archaeology: introduction and practical applications of photography and photogrammetry for the 2D and 3D representation of small objects and artefacts. PLoS One 17 (4), e0267168 (2022)
Journal Article
Cerasoni, J. N.; Hallett, E.; Ben Arous, E.; Beyer, R. M.; Krapp, M.; Manica, A.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Archaeological sites and palaeoenvironments of Pleistocene West Africa. Journal of maps, 2022.2052767, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Hallett, E.; Marean, C. W.; Steele, T. E.; Álvarez-Fernández, E.; Jacobs, Z.; Cerasoni, J. N.; Aldeias, V.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Olszewski, D. I.; Hajraoui, E. et al.; Abdeljalil, M.; Dibble, H. L.: A worked bone assemblage from 120,000–90,000 year old deposits at Contrebandiers Cave, Atlantic Coast, Morocco. iScience 24 (9), 102988 (2021)
Journal Article
Cerasoni, J. N.: Vectorial application for the illustration of archaeological lithic artefacts using the “Stone Tools Illustrations with Vector Art” (STIVA) Method. PLoS One 16 (5), e0251466 (2021)
Journal Article
Scerri, E. M. L.; Niang, K.; Candy, I.; Blinkhorn, J.; Mills, W.; Cerasoni, J. N.; Bateman, M. D.; Crowther, A.; Groucutt, H. S.: Continuity of the Middle Stone Age into the Holocene. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 70 (2021)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Cerasoni, J. N.; Orijemie, E. A.; Hallett, E. Y.; Farr, L.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Ihò Eléérú, Nigeria. In: Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology, 58, pp. 915 - 925 (Eds. Beyin, A.; Wright, D. K.; Wilkins, J.; Olszewski, D. I.). Springer, Cham (2023)
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