Publications of Marcus Groß
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
13 (1), 4078 (2023)
A Bayesian multi-proxy contribution to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural history of late medieval Capitanata (southern Italy). Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
9 (1), 354 (2022)
Presenting the Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi, a multi-isotope database for Medieval Europe. Scientific Data 3.
Journal Article
31 (3), oa.2962, pp. 429 - 439 (2021)
Investigating infant feeding strategies at Roman Bainesse through Bayesian modelling of incremental dentine isotopic data. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4.
Journal Article
9, 583301 (2021)
The circulation of ancient animal resources across the Yellow River Basin: a preliminary Bayesian Re-evaluation of Sr Isotope Data from the Early Neolithic to the Western Zhou Dynasty. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution