Publications of Paul Heggarty
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
36 (12), msz174, pp. 2698 - 2713 (2019)
The current genomic landscape of western South America: Andes, Amazonia and Pacific Coast. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
Wer waren die Ur-Indoeuropäer? Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Spezial Archäologie, Geschichte, Kultur (4), pp. 42 - 47 (2018)
Journal Article
65, pp. 69 - 119 (2018)
Why Indo-European? Clarifying cross-disciplinary misconceptions on farming vs. pastoralism. Talking Neolithic: Proceedings of the workshop on Indo-European origins held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, December 2-3, 2013. Journal of Indo-European Studies. Monograph Series 4.
Journal Article
65, pp. 120 - 173 (2018)
Indo-European and the Ancient DNA Revolution. Talking Neolithic: Proceedings of the workshop on Indo-European origins held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, December 2-3, 2013. Journal of Indo-European Studies. Monograph Series 5.
Journal Article
7, 17411 (2017)
Enclaves of genetic diversity resisted Inca impacts on population history. Scientific Reports 6.
Journal Article
155 (4), pp. 600 - 609 (2014)
Between Andes and Amazon: The genetic profile of the Arawak-speaking Yanesha. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 7.
Journal Article
23 (1), pp. 89 - 99 (2011)
Mitochondrial DNA variability in the Titicaca basin: Matches and mismatches with linguistics and ethnohistory. The American Journal of Human Genetics Book (1)
Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration. UCL Press, London (2020), 420 pp.
Book Chapter (8)
Book Chapter
II, 11, pp. 226 - 253 (Eds. Janda, R. D.; Joseph, B. D.; Vance, B. S.). Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey (2020)
Bayesian Phylolinguistic. In: The Handbook of Historical Linguistics [II], Vol. 10.
Book Chapter
Heggarty, P.). UCL Press, London (2020)
Linguistics. In: Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration, 1.2, pp. 35 - 47 (Eds. Pearce, A. J.; Beresford-Jones, D. G.; 11.
Book Chapter
Heggarty, P.). UCL Press, London (2020)
Deep time and first settlement: What, if anything, can linguistics tell us? In: Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration, 2.3, pp. 94 - 102 (Eds. Pearce, A. J.; Beresford-Jones, D. G.; 12.
Book Chapter
Heggarty, P.). UCL Press, London (2020)
Broad- scale patterns across the languages of the Andes and Amazonia. In: Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration, 3.4, pp. 164 - 177 (Eds. Pearce, A. J.; Beresford-Jones, D. G.; 13.
Book Chapter
Heggarty, P.). UCL Press, London (2020)
Introduction: Why Andes– Amazonia?. Why cross- disciplinary? In: Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration, pp. 1 - 18 (Eds. Pearce, A. J.; Beresford-Jones, D. G.; 14.
Book Chapter
Heggarty, P.). UCL Press, London (2020)
Conclusion: The Andes–Amazonia divide: myth and reality. In: Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: a cross-disciplinary exploration, pp. 332 - 338 (Eds. Pearce, A. J.; Beresford-Jones, D. G.; 15.
Book Chapter
Towards a (pre)history of linguistic convergence areas: correlates in genetics, archaeology, history and geography. In: Diffusion: Implantation, Affinités, Convergence, pp. 135 - 178. Peeters Publishers, Leuven (2017)
Book Chapter
Huilliche: ¿geolecto del mapudungun o lengua propia? Una mirada desde la fonética y la fonología de las consonantes. In: Lingüística indígena sudamericana: aspectos descriptivos, comparativos y areales, pp. 23 - 51 (Eds. Fernández Garay, A.; Regúnaga, M. A.). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (2015)
Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Sound comparisons: a new online database and resource for research in phonetic diversity. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019, pp. 280 - 284 (Eds. Calhoun, S.; Escudero, P.; Tabain, M.; Warren, P.). 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences , Melbourne, August 05, 2019 - August 09, 2019. Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, Canberra (2019)