Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Michael P. Richards

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Janzen, A.; Bataille, C.; Copeland, S. R.; Quinn, R. L.; Ambrose, S. H.; Reed, D.; Hamilton, M.; Grimes, V.; Richards, M. P.; le Roux, P. et al.; Roberts, P.: Spatial variation in bioavailable strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in Kenya and northern Tanzania: Implications for ecology, paleoanthropology, and archaeology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 560, 109957, pp. 1 - 18 (2020)
Journal Article
Reich, D.; Green, R. E.; Kircher, M.; Krause, J.; Patterson, N.; Durand, E. Y.; Viola, B.; Briggs, A. W.; Stenzel, U.; Johnson, P. L. F. et al.; Maricic, T.; Good, J. M.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Alkan, C.; Fu, Q.; Mallick, S.; Li, H.; Meyer, M.; Eichler, E. E.; Stoneking, M.; Richards, M.; Talamo, S.; Shunkov, M. V.; Derevianko, A. P.; Hublin, J.-J.; Kelso, J.; Slatkin, M.; Pääbo, S.: Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova cave in Siberia. Nature 468 (7327), pp. 1053 - 1060 (2010)
Journal Article
Krause, J.; Orlando, L.; Serre, D.; Viola, B.; Pruefer, K.; Richards, M. P.; Hublin, J.-J.; Haenni, C.; Derevianko, A. P.; Paeaebo, S.: Neanderthals in central Asia and Siberia. Nature 449 (7164), pp. 902 - 904 (2007)
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