Publications of Traci Billings
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
13 (4), 1027 (2023)
The domestication and dispersal of large-fruiting Prunus spp.: a metadata analysis of archaeobotanical material. Agronomy 2.
Journal Article
10, 995490 (2022)
Agriculture in the Karakum: an archaeobotanical analysis from Togolok 1, southern Turkmenistan (ca. 2300–1700 B.C.). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
The rise and decline of the desert cities: The last stages of the BMAC at Togolok 1 (Southern Turkmenistan). In: Cultures in Contact: Central Asia as focus of trade, cultural exchange and knowledge transmission, pp. 89 - 116 (Eds. Baumer, C.; Novák, M.; Rutishauser, S.). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden (2022)
Data Publication (1)
Data Publication
The North American repository for archaeological isotopes. (2025)